8 202: Analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data: Dimensionality reduction, clustering, and lineage inference
Authors: Diya Das16, Kelly Street17, Davide Risso18 Last modified: 28 June, 2018.
8.1 Overview
8.1.1 Description
This workshop will be presented as a lab session (brief introduction followed by hands-on coding) that instructs participants in a Bioconductor workflow for the analysis of single-cell RNA-sequencing data, in three parts:
- dimensionality reduction that accounts for zero inflation, over-dispersion, and batch effects
- cell clustering that employs a resampling-based approach resulting in robust and stable clusters
- lineage trajectory analysis that uncovers continuous, branching developmental processes
We will provide worked examples for lab sessions, and a set of stand-alone notes in this repository.
Note: A previous version of this workshop was well-attended at BioC 2017, but the tools presented have been significantly updated for interoperability (most notably, through the use of the SingleCellExperiment
class), and we have been receiving many requests to provide an updated workflow. We plan to incorporate feedback from this workshop into a revised version of our F1000 Workflow.
8.1.2 Pre-requisites
We expect basic knowledge of R syntax. Some familiarity with S4 objects may be helpful, but not required. More importantly, participants should be familiar with the concept and design of RNA-sequencing experiments. Direct experience with single-cell RNA-seq is not required, and the main challenges of single-cell RNA-seq compared to bulk RNA-seq will be illustrated.
8.1.3 Participation
This will be a hands-on workshop, in which each student, using their laptop, will analyze a provided example datasets. The workshop will be a mix of example code that the instructors will show to the students (available through this repository) and short exercises.
8.1.4 R / Bioconductor packages used
- zinbwave : https://bioconductor.org/packages/zinbwave
- clusterExperiment: https://bioconductor.org/packages/clusterExperiment
- slingshot: https://bioconductor.org/packages/slingshot
8.1.5 Time outline
Activity | Time |
Intro to single-cell RNA-seq analysis | 15m |
zinbwave (dimensionality reduction) | 30m |
clusterExperiment (clustering) | 30m |
slingshot (lineage trajectory analysis) | 30m |
Questions / extensions | 15m |
8.1.6 Workshop goals and objectives
Learning goals
- describe the goals of single-cell RNA-seq analysis
- identify the main steps of a typical single-cell RNA-seq analysis
- evaluate the results of each step in terms of model fit
- synthesize results of successive steps to interpret biological significance and develop biological models
- apply this workflow to carry out a complete analysis of other single-cell RNA-seq datasets
Learning objectives
- compute and interpret low-dimensional representations of single-cell data
- identify and remove sources of technical variation from the data
- identify sub-populations of cells (clusters) and evaluate their robustness
- infer lineage trajectories corresponding to differentiating cells
- order cells by developmental “pseudotime”
- identify genes that play an important role in cell differentiation
8.2 Getting started
The workflow presented in this workshop consists of four main steps:
- dimensionality reduction accounting for zero inflation and over-dispersion and adjusting for gene and cell-level covariates, using the
Bioconductor package; - robust and stable cell clustering using resampling-based sequential ensemble clustering, as implemented in the
Bioconductor package; - inference of cell lineages and ordering of the cells by developmental progression along lineages, using the
R package; and - DE analysis along lineages.

Figure 8.1: Workflow for analyzing scRNA-seq datasets. On the right, main plots generated by the workflow.
Throughout the workflow, we use a single SingleCellExperiment
object to store the scRNA-seq data along with any gene or cell-level metadata available from the experiment.
8.2.1 The data

Figure 8.2: Stem cell differentiation in the mouse olfactory epithelium. This figure was reproduced with kind permission from Fletcher et al. (2017).
This workshop uses data from a scRNA-seq study of stem cell differentiation in the mouse olfactory epithelium (OE) (Fletcher et al. 2017). The olfactory epithelium contains mature olfactory sensory neurons (mOSN) that are continuously renewed in the epithelium via neurogenesis through the differentiation of globose basal cells (GBC), which are the actively proliferating cells in the epithelium. When a severe injury to the entire tissue happens, the olfactory epithelium can regenerate from normally quiescent stem cells called horizontal basal cells (HBC), which become activated to differentiate and reconstitute all major cell types in the epithelium.
The scRNA-seq dataset we use as a case study was generated to study the differentitation of HBC stem cells into different cell types present in the olfactory epithelium. To map the developmental trajectories of the multiple cell lineages arising from HBCs, scRNA-seq was performed on FACS-purified cells using the Fluidigm C1 microfluidics cell capture platform followed by Illumina sequencing. The expression level of each gene in a given cell was quantified by counting the total number of reads mapping to it. Cells were then assigned to different lineages using a statistical analysis pipeline analogous to that in the present workflow. Finally, results were validated experimentally using in vivo lineage tracing. Details on data generation and statistical methods are available in (Fletcher et al. 2017; Risso et al. 2018b; Street et al. 2018; Risso et al. 2018a).
In this workshop, we describe a sequence of steps to recover the lineages found in the original study, starting from the genes x cells matrix of raw counts publicly-available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE95601.
The following packages are needed.
# Bioconductor
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'SingleCellExperiment::weights' by
#> 'stats::weights' when loading 'slingshot'
#> Warning in rgl.init(initValue, onlyNULL): RGL: unable to open X11 display
#> Warning: 'rgl_init' failed, running with rgl.useNULL = TRUE
8.2.2 Parallel computing
The BiocParallel
package can be used to allow for parallel computing in zinbwave
. Here, we use a single CPU to run the function, register
ing the serial mode of BiocParallel
. Users that have access to more than one core in their system are encouraged to use multiple cores to increase speed.
8.3 The SingleCellExperiment
Counts for all genes in each cell are available as part of the GitHub R package drisso/fletcher2017data
. Before filtering, the dataset has 849 cells and 28,361 detected genes (i.e., genes with non-zero read counts).
#> class: SingleCellExperiment
#> dim: 28284 849
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(1): counts
#> rownames(28284): Xkr4 LOC102640625 ... Ggcx.1 eGFP
#> rowData names(0):
#> colnames(849): OEP01_N706_S501 OEP01_N701_S501 ... OEL23_N704_S503
#> OEL23_N703_S502
#> colData names(19): Experiment Batch ... CreER ERCC_reads
#> reducedDimNames(0):
#> spikeNames(0):
Throughout the workshop, we use the class SingleCellExperiment
to keep track of the counts and their associated metadata within a single object.

Figure 8.3: Schematic view of the SingleCellExperiment class.
The cell-level metadata contain quality control measures, sequencing batch ID, and cluster and lineage labels from the original publication (Fletcher et al. 2017). Cells with a cluster label of -2
were not assigned to any cluster in the original publication.
#> DataFrame with 849 rows and 19 columns
#> Experiment Batch publishedClusters NREADS
#> <factor> <factor> <numeric> <numeric>
#> OEP01_N706_S501 K5ERRY_UI_96HPT Y01 1 3313260
#> OEP01_N701_S501 K5ERRY_UI_96HPT Y01 1 2902430
#> OEP01_N707_S507 K5ERRY_UI_96HPT Y01 1 2307940
#> OEP01_N705_S501 K5ERRY_UI_96HPT Y01 1 3337400
#> OEP01_N704_S507 K5ERRY_UI_96HPT Y01 -2 117892
#> ... ... ... ... ...
#> OEL23_N704_S510 K5ERP63CKO_UI_14DPT P14 -2 2407440
#> OEL23_N705_S502 K5ERP63CKO_UI_14DPT P14 -2 2308940
#> OEL23_N706_S502 K5ERP63CKO_UI_14DPT P14 12 2215640
#> OEL23_N704_S503 K5ERP63CKO_UI_14DPT P14 12 2673790
#> OEL23_N703_S502 K5ERP63CKO_UI_14DPT P14 7 2450320
#> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
#> OEP01_N706_S501 3167600 95.6035 47.9943 0.0154566
#> OEP01_N701_S501 2757790 95.0167 45.015 0.0182066
#> OEP01_N707_S507 2178350 94.3852 43.7832 0.0219196
#> OEP01_N705_S501 3183720 95.3952 43.2688 0.0183041
#> OEP01_N704_S507 98628 83.6596 18.0576 0.0623744
#> ... ... ... ... ...
#> OEL23_N704_S510 2305060 95.7472 47.1489 0.0159111
#> OEL23_N705_S502 2203300 95.4244 62.5638 0.0195812
#> OEL23_N706_S502 2108490 95.1637 50.6643 0.0182207
#> OEL23_N704_S503 2568300 96.0546 60.5481 0.0155611
#> OEL23_N703_S502 2363500 96.4567 48.4164 0.0122704
#> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
#> OEP01_N706_S501 2e-06 0.20013 0.230654
#> OEP01_N701_S501 0 0.182461 0.20181
#> OEP01_N707_S507 0 0.152627 0.207897
#> OEP01_N705_S501 2e-06 0.169514 0.207342
#> OEP01_N704_S507 1.4e-05 0.110724 0.199174
#> ... ... ... ...
#> OEL23_N704_S510 0 0.287346 0.314104
#> OEL23_N705_S502 0 0.337264 0.297077
#> OEL23_N706_S502 7e-06 0.244333 0.262663
#> OEL23_N704_S503 0 0.343203 0.338217
#> OEL23_N703_S502 8e-06 0.259367 0.238239
#> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
#> OEP01_N706_S501 0.404205 0.165009 0.430784
#> OEP01_N701_S501 0.465702 0.150027 0.384271
#> OEP01_N707_S507 0.511416 0.12806 0.360524
#> OEP01_N705_S501 0.457556 0.165586 0.376856
#> OEP01_N704_S507 0.489514 0.200573 0.309898
#> ... ... ... ...
#> OEL23_N704_S510 0.250658 0.147892 0.60145
#> OEL23_N705_S502 0.230214 0.135445 0.634341
#> OEL23_N706_S502 0.355899 0.137097 0.506997
#> OEL23_N704_S503 0.174696 0.143885 0.68142
#> OEL23_N703_S502 0.376091 0.126294 0.497606
#> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
#> OEP01_N706_S501 0.843857 0.061028 0.521079
#> OEP01_N701_S501 0.91437 0.03335 0.373993
#> OEP01_N707_S507 0.955405 0.014606 0.49123
#> OEP01_N705_S501 0.81663 0.101798 0.525238
#> OEP01_N704_S507 1.19978 0 0.706512
#> ... ... ... ...
#> OEL23_N704_S510 0.698455 0.198224 0.419745
#> OEL23_N705_S502 0.830816 0.105091 0.398755
#> OEL23_N706_S502 0.805627 0.103363 0.431862
#> OEL23_N704_S503 0.745201 0.118615 0.38422
#> OEL23_N703_S502 0.711685 0.196725 0.377926
#> CreER ERCC_reads
#> <numeric> <numeric>
#> OEP01_N706_S501 1 10516
#> OEP01_N701_S501 3022 9331
#> OEP01_N707_S507 2329 7386
#> OEP01_N705_S501 717 6387
#> OEP01_N704_S507 60 992
#> ... ... ...
#> OEL23_N704_S510 659 0
#> OEL23_N705_S502 1552 0
#> OEL23_N706_S502 0 0
#> OEL23_N704_S503 0 0
#> OEL23_N703_S502 2222 0
8.4 Pre-processing
Using the Bioconductor package scone
, we remove low-quality cells according to the quality control filter implemented in the function metric_sample_filter
and based on the following criteria (Figure 8.4): (1) Filter out samples with low total number of reads or low alignment percentage and (2) filter out samples with a low detection rate for housekeeping genes. See the scone vignette for details on the filtering procedure.
8.4.1 Sample filtering
# QC-metric-based sample-filtering
hk = rownames(fletcher)[toupper(rownames(fletcher)) %in% housekeeping$V1]
mfilt <- metric_sample_filter(counts(fletcher),
nreads = colData(fletcher)$NREADS,
ralign = colData(fletcher)$RALIGN,
pos_controls = rownames(fletcher) %in% hk,
zcut = 3, mixture = FALSE,
plot = TRUE)

Figure 8.4: SCONE: Filtering of low-quality cells.
# Simplify to a single logical
mfilt <- !apply(simplify2array(mfilt[!is.na(mfilt)]), 1, any)
filtered <- fletcher[, mfilt]
#> [1] 28284 747
After sample filtering, we are left with 747 good quality cells.
Finally, for computational efficiency, we retain only the 1,000 most variable genes. This seems to be a reasonnable choice for the illustrative purpose of this workflow, as we are able to recover the biological signal found in the published analysis ((Fletcher et al. 2017)). In general, however, we recommend care in selecting a gene filtering scheme, as an appropriate choice is dataset-dependent.
We can use to functions from the clusterExperiment
package to compute a filter statistics based on the variance (makeFilterStats
) and to apply the filter to the data (filterData
filtered <- makeFilterStats(filtered, filterStats="var", transFun = log1p)
filtered <- filterData(filtered, percentile=1000, filterStats="var")
#> class: SingleCellExperiment
#> dim: 1000 747
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(1): counts
#> rownames(1000): Cbr2 Cyp2f2 ... Rnf13 Atp7b
#> rowData names(1): var
#> colnames(747): OEP01_N706_S501 OEP01_N701_S501 ... OEL23_N704_S503
#> OEL23_N703_S502
#> colData names(19): Experiment Batch ... CreER ERCC_reads
#> reducedDimNames(0):
#> spikeNames(0):
In the original work (Fletcher et al. 2017), cells were clustered into 14 different clusters, with 151 cells not assigned to any cluster (i.e., cluster label of -2
publishedClusters <- colData(filtered)[, "publishedClusters"]
col_clus <- c("transparent", "#1B9E77", "antiquewhite2", "cyan", "#E7298A",
"#A6CEE3", "#666666", "#E6AB02", "#FFED6F", "darkorchid2",
"#B3DE69", "#FF7F00", "#A6761D", "#1F78B4")
names(col_clus) <- sort(unique(publishedClusters))
#> publishedClusters
#> -2 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15
#> 151 90 25 54 35 93 58 27 74 26 21 35 26 32
8.5 Normalization and dimensionality reduction: ZINB-WaVE
In scRNA-seq analysis, dimensionality reduction is often used as a preliminary step prior to downstream analyses, such as clustering, cell lineage and pseudotime ordering, and the identification of DE genes. This allows the data to become more tractable, both from a statistical (cf. curse of dimensionality) and computational point of view. Additionally, technical noise can be reduced while preserving the often intrinsically low-dimensional signal of interest (Dijk et al. 2017; Pierson and Yau 2015; Risso et al. 2018b).
Here, we perform dimensionality reduction using the zero-inflated negative binomial-based wanted variation extraction (ZINB-WaVE) method implemented in the Bioconductor R package zinbwave
. The method fits a ZINB model that accounts for zero inflation (dropouts), over-dispersion, and the count nature of the data. The model can include a cell-level intercept, which serves as a global-scaling normalization factor. The user can also specify both gene-level and cell-level covariates. The inclusion of observed and unobserved cell-level covariates enables normalization for complex, non-linear effects (often referred to as batch effects), while gene-level covariates may be used to adjust for sequence composition effects (e.g., gene length and GC-content effects). A schematic view of the ZINB-WaVE model is provided in Figure 8.5. For greater detail about the ZINB-WaVE model and estimation procedure, please refer to the original manuscript (Risso et al. 2018b).

Figure 8.5: ZINB-WaVE: Schematic view of the ZINB-WaVE model. This figure was reproduced with kind permission from Risso et al. (2017).
As with most dimensionality reduction methods, the user needs to specify the number of dimensions for the new low-dimensional space. Here, we use K = 50
dimensions and adjust for batch effects via the matrix X
clustered <- zinbwave(filtered, K = 50, X = "~ Batch", residuals = TRUE, normalizedValues = TRUE)))
Note that the fletcher2017data
package includes the object clustered
that already contains the ZINB-WaVE factors. We can load such objects to avoid waiting for the computations.
8.5.1 Normalization
The function zinbwave
returns a SingleCellExperiment
object that includes normalized expression measures, defined as deviance residuals from the fit of the ZINB-WaVE model with user-specified gene- and cell-level covariates. Such residuals can be used for visualization purposes (e.g., in heatmaps, boxplots). Note that, in this case, the low-dimensional matrix W
is not included in the computation of residuals to avoid the removal of the biological signal of interest.
#> [1] "normalizedValues" "residuals" "counts"
norm <- assay(clustered, "normalizedValues")
#> OEP01_N706_S501 OEP01_N701_S501 OEP01_N707_S507
#> Cbr2 4.531898 4.369185 -4.142982
#> Cyp2f2 4.359680 4.324476 4.124527
#> Gstm1 4.724216 4.621898 4.403587
8.5.2 Dimensionality reduction
The zinbwave
function’s main use is to perform dimensionality reduction. The resulting low-dimensional matrix W
is stored in the reducedDim
slot named zinbwave
#> [1] "zinbwave"
W <- reducedDim(clustered, "zinbwave")
#> [1] 747 50
W[1:3, 1:3]
#> W1 W2 W3
#> OEP01_N706_S501 0.5494761 1.1745361 -0.93175747
#> OEP01_N701_S501 0.4116797 0.3015379 -0.46922527
#> OEP01_N707_S507 0.7394759 0.3365600 -0.07959226
The low-rank matrix W
can be visualized in two dimensions by performing multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) using the Euclidian distance. To verify that W
indeed captures the biological signal of interest, we display the MDS results in a scatterplot with colors corresponding to the original published clusters (Figure 8.6).
W <- reducedDim(clustered)
d <- dist(W)
fit <- cmdscale(d, eig = TRUE, k = 2)
plot(fit$points, col = col_clus[as.character(publishedClusters)], main = "",
pch = 20, xlab = "Component 1", ylab = "Component 2")
legend(x = "topleft", legend = unique(names(col_clus)), cex = .5, fill = unique(col_clus), title = "Sample")

Figure 8.6: ZINB-WaVE: MDS of the low-dimensional matrix W, where each point represents a cell and cells are color-coded by original published clustering.
8.6 Cell clustering: RSEC
The next step is to cluster the cells according to the low-dimensional matrix W
computed in the previous step. We use the resampling-based sequential ensemble clustering (RSEC) framework implemented in the RSEC
function from the Bioconductor R package clusterExperiment
. Specifically, given a set of user-supplied base clustering algorithms and associated tuning parameters (e.g., k-means, with a range of values for k), RSEC generates a collection of candidate clusterings, with the option of resampling cells and using a sequential tight clustering procedure as in (Tseng and Wong 2005). A consensus clustering is obtained based on the levels of co-clustering of samples across the candidate clusterings. The consensus clustering is further condensed by merging similar clusters, which is done by creating a hierarchy of clusters, working up the tree, and testing for differential expression between sister nodes, with nodes of insufficient DE collapsed. As in supervised learning, resampling greatly improves the stability of clusters and considering an ensemble of methods and tuning parameters allows us to capitalize on the different strengths of the base algorithms and avoid the subjective selection of tuning parameters.
clustered <- RSEC(clustered, k0s = 4:15, alphas = c(0.1),
betas = 0.8, reduceMethod="zinbwave",
clusterFunction = "hierarchical01", minSizes=1,
ncores = NCORES, isCount=FALSE,
subsampleArgs = list(resamp.num=100,
consensusProportion = 0.7,
mergeMethod = "none", random.seed=424242,
consensusMinSize = 10)
Again, the previously loaded clustered
object already contains the results of the RSEC
run above, so we do not evaluate the above chunk here.
#> class: ClusterExperiment
#> dim: 1000 747
#> reducedDimNames: zinbwave
#> filterStats: var
#> -----------
#> Primary cluster type: makeConsensus
#> Primary cluster label: makeConsensus
#> Table of clusters (of primary clustering):
#> -1 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
#> 184 145 119 105 100 48 33 13
#> Total number of clusterings: 13
#> Dendrogram run on 'makeConsensus' (cluster index: 1)
#> -----------
#> Workflow progress:
#> clusterMany run? Yes
#> makeConsensus run? Yes
#> makeDendrogram run? Yes
#> mergeClusters run? No
Note that the results of the RSEC
function is an object of the ClusterExperiment
class, which extends the SingleCellExperiment
class, by adding additional information on the clustering results.
is(clustered, "SingleCellExperiment")
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] "transformation" "clusterMatrix"
#> [3] "primaryIndex" "clusterInfo"
#> [5] "clusterTypes" "dendro_samples"
#> [7] "dendro_clusters" "dendro_index"
#> [9] "dendro_outbranch" "coClustering"
#> [11] "clusterLegend" "orderSamples"
#> [13] "merge_index" "merge_dendrocluster_index"
#> [15] "merge_method" "merge_demethod"
#> [17] "merge_cutoff" "merge_nodeProp"
#> [19] "merge_nodeMerge" "int_elementMetadata"
#> [21] "int_colData" "int_metadata"
#> [23] "reducedDims" "rowRanges"
#> [25] "colData" "assays"
#> [27] "NAMES" "elementMetadata"
#> [29] "metadata"
The resulting candidate clusterings can be visualized using the plotClusters
function (Figure 8.7), where columns correspond to cells and rows to different clusterings. Each sample is color-coded based on its clustering for that row, where the colors have been chosen to try to match up clusters that show large overlap accross rows. The first row correspond to a consensus clustering across all candidate clusterings.

Figure 8.7: RSEC: Candidate clusterings found using the function RSEC from the clusterExperiment package.
The plotCoClustering
function produces a heatmap of the co-clustering matrix, which records, for each pair of cells, the proportion of times they were clustered together across the candidate clusters (Figure 8.8).

Figure 8.8: RSEC: Heatmap of co-clustering matrix.
The distribution of cells across the consensus clusters can be visualized in Figure 8.9 and is as follows:
#> -1 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
#> 184 145 119 105 100 48 33 13
plotBarplot(clustered, legend = FALSE)

Figure 8.9: RSEC: Barplot of number of cells per cluster for our workflow’s RSEC clustering.
The distribution of cells in our clustering overall agrees with that in the original published clustering (Figure 8.10), the main difference being that several of the published clusters were merged here into single clusters. This discrepancy is likely caused by the fact that we started with the top 1,000 genes, which might not be enough to discriminate between closely related clusters.
clustered <- addClusterings(clustered, colData(clustered)$publishedClusters,
clusterLabel = "publishedClusters")
## change default color to match with Figure 7
clusterLegend(clustered)$publishedClusters[, "color"] <-
col_clus[clusterLegend(clustered)$publishedClusters[, "name"]]
plotBarplot(clustered, whichClusters=c("makeConsensus", "publishedClusters"),
xlab = "", legend = FALSE,missingColor="white")

Figure 8.10: RSEC: Barplot of number of cells per cluster, for our workflow’s RSEC clustering, color-coded by original published clustering.
plotClustersTable(clustered, whichClusters=c("makeConsensus","publishedClusters"))

Figure 8.11: RSEC: Confusion matrix of number of cells per cluster, for our workflow’s RSEC clustering and the original published clustering.
Figure 8.12 displays a heatmap of the normalized expression measures for the 1,000 most variable genes, where cells are clustered according to the RSEC consensus.
# Set colors for additional sample data
experimentColors <- bigPalette[1:nlevels(colData(clustered)$Experiment)]
batchColors <- bigPalette[1:nlevels(colData(clustered)$Batch)]
metaColors <- list("Experiment" = experimentColors,
"Batch" = batchColors)
whichClusters = c("makeConsensus","publishedClusters"), clusterFeaturesData = "all",
clusterSamplesData = "dendrogramValue", breaks = 0.99,
colData = c("Batch", "Experiment"),
clusterLegend = metaColors, annLegend = FALSE, main = "")

Figure 8.12: RSEC: Heatmap of the normalized expression measures for the 1,000 most variable genes, where rows correspond to genes and columns to cells ordered by RSEC clusters.
Finally, we can visualize the cells in a two-dimensional space using the MDS of the low-dimensional matrix W
and coloring the cells according to their newly-found RSEC clusters (Figure 8.13); this is anologous to Figure 8.6 for the original published clusters.
xlab = "Component1", ylab = "Component2",legendTitle="Sample",main="",

Figure 8.13: RSEC: MDS of the low-dimensional matrix W, where each point represents a cell and cells are color-coded by RSEC clustering.
8.7 Cell lineage and pseudotime inference: Slingshot
We now demonstrate how to use the Bioconductor package slingshot
to infer branching cell lineages and order cells by developmental progression along each lineage. The method, proposed in (Street et al. 2018), comprises two main steps: (1) The inference of the global lineage structure (i.e., the number of lineages and where they branch) using a minimum spanning tree (MST) on the clusters identified above by RSEC
and (2) the inference of cell pseudotime variables along each lineage using a novel method of simultaneous principal curves. The approach in (1) allows the identification of any number of novel lineages, while also accommodating the use of domain-specific knowledge to supervise parts of the tree (e.g., known terminal states); the approach in (2) yields robust pseudotimes for smooth, branching lineages.
This analysis is performed out by the slingshot
function and the results are stored in a SlingshotDataSet
object. The minimal input to this function is a low-dimensional representation of the cells and a set of cluster labels; these can be separate objects (ie. a matrix and a vector) or, as below, components of a SingleCellExperiment
object. When a SingleCellExperiment
object is provided as input, the ouput will be an updated object containing a SlingshotDataSet
as an element of the int_metadata
list, which can be accessed through the SlingshotDataSet
function. For more low-level control of the lineage inference procedure, the two steps may be run separately via the functions getLineages
and getCurves
From the original published work, we know that the starting cluster should correspond to HBCs and the end clusters to MV, mOSN, and mSUS cells. Additionally, we know that GBCs should be at a junction before the differentiation between MV and mOSN cells (Figure 8.2). The correspondance between the clusters we found here and the original clusters is as follows.
table(data.frame(original = publishedClusters, ours = primaryClusterNamed(clustered)))
#> ours
#> original -1 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
#> -2 55 45 30 5 6 1 3 6
#> 1 44 46 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 2 1 0 0 0 24 0 0 0
#> 3 2 2 1 0 49 0 0 0
#> 4 2 2 31 0 0 0 0 0
#> 5 44 47 2 0 0 0 0 0
#> 7 4 0 54 0 0 0 0 0
#> 8 26 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 9 0 0 1 65 1 0 0 7
#> 10 1 0 0 0 0 25 0 0
#> 11 2 2 0 0 17 0 0 0
#> 12 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0
#> 14 2 0 0 0 2 22 0 0
#> 15 1 0 0 0 1 0 30 0
Cluster name | Description | Color | Correspondence |
c1 | HBC | red | original 1, 5 |
c2 | mSUS | blue | original 4, 7 |
c3 | mOSN | green | original 9, 12 |
c4 | GBC | orange | original 2, 3, 11 |
c5 | Immature Neuron | purple | original 10, 14 |
c6 | MV | brown | original 15 |
c7 | mOSN | light blue | original 9 |
To infer lineages and pseudotimes, we will apply Slingshot to the 4-dimensional MDS of the low-dimensional matrix W
. We found that the Slingshot results were robust to the number of dimensions k for the MDS (we tried k from 2 to 5). Here, we use a semi-supervised version of Slingshot, where we only provide the identity of the start cluster but not of the end clusters.
pseudoCe <- clustered[,!primaryClusterNamed(clustered) %in% c("-1")]
X <- reducedDim(pseudoCe,type="zinbwave")
mds <- cmdscale(dist(X), eig = TRUE, k = 4)
lineages <- slingshot(mds$points, clusterLabels = primaryClusterNamed(pseudoCe), start.clus = "c1")
#> Using full covariance matrix
Before discussing the simultaneous principal curves, we examine the global structure of the lineages by plotting the MST on the clusters. This shows that our implementation has recovered the lineages found in the published work (Figure 8.14). The slingshot
package also includes functionality for 3-dimensional visualization as in Figure 8.2, using the plot3d
function from the package rgl
pairs(lineages, type="lineages", col = colorCl)

Figure 8.14: Slingshot: Cells color-coded by cluster in a 4-dimensional MDS space, with connecting lines between cluster centers representing the inferred global lineage structure.
Having found the global lineage structure, slingshot
then constructed a set of smooth, branching curves in order to infer the corresponding pseudotime variables. Simultaneous principal curves are constructed from the individual cells along each lineage, rather than the cell clusters. During this iterative process, a cell may even be reassigned to a different lineage if it is significantly closer to the corresopnding curve. This makes slingshot
less reliant on the original clustering and generally more stable. The final curves are shown in Figure 8.15.
pairs(lineages, type="curves", col = colorCl)

Figure 8.15: Slingshot: Cells color-coded by cluster in a 4-dimensional MDS space, with smooth curves representing each inferred lineage.
#> class: SlingshotDataSet
#> Samples Dimensions
#> 563 4
#> lineages: 3
#> Lineage1: c1 c4 c5 c7 c3
#> Lineage2: c1 c4 c6
#> Lineage3: c1 c2
#> curves: 3
#> Curve1: Length: 9.5238 Samples: 361.21
#> Curve2: Length: 7.8221 Samples: 234.14
#> Curve3: Length: 4.2828 Samples: 254.85
As an alternative, we could have incorporated the MDS results into the clustered
object and applied slingshot
directly to it. Here, we need to specify that we want to use the MDS results, because slingshot
would otherwise use the first element of the reducedDims
list (in this case, the 10-dimensional W
matrix from zinbwave
reducedDim(pseudoCe, "MDS") <- mds$points
pseudoCe <- slingshot(pseudoCe, reducedDim = "MDS", start.clus = "c1")
#> Using full covariance matrix
#> class: ClusterExperiment
#> dim: 1000 563
#> reducedDimNames: zinbwave MDS
#> filterStats: var
#> -----------
#> Primary cluster type: makeConsensus
#> Primary cluster label: makeConsensus
#> Table of clusters (of primary clustering):
#> c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
#> 145 119 105 100 48 33 13
#> Total number of clusterings: 14
#> No dendrogram present
#> -----------
#> Workflow progress:
#> clusterMany run? Yes
#> makeConsensus run? Yes
#> makeDendrogram run? No
#> mergeClusters run? No
#> DataFrame with 563 rows and 23 columns
#> Experiment Batch publishedClusters NREADS
#> <factor> <factor> <numeric> <numeric>
#> OEP01_N706_S501 K5ERRY_UI_96HPT Y01 1 3313260
#> OEP01_N701_S501 K5ERRY_UI_96HPT Y01 1 2902430
#> OEP01_N707_S507 K5ERRY_UI_96HPT Y01 1 2307940
#> OEP01_N705_S501 K5ERRY_UI_96HPT Y01 1 3337400
#> OEP01_N702_S508 K5ERRY_UI_96HPT Y01 -2 525096
#> ... ... ... ... ...
#> OEL23_N704_S510 K5ERP63CKO_UI_14DPT P14 -2 2407440
#> OEL23_N705_S502 K5ERP63CKO_UI_14DPT P14 -2 2308940
#> OEL23_N706_S502 K5ERP63CKO_UI_14DPT P14 12 2215640
#> OEL23_N704_S503 K5ERP63CKO_UI_14DPT P14 12 2673790
#> OEL23_N703_S502 K5ERP63CKO_UI_14DPT P14 7 2450320
#> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
#> OEP01_N706_S501 3167600 95.6035 47.9943 0.0154566
#> OEP01_N701_S501 2757790 95.0167 45.015 0.0182066
#> OEP01_N707_S507 2178350 94.3852 43.7832 0.0219196
#> OEP01_N705_S501 3183720 95.3952 43.2688 0.0183041
#> OEP01_N702_S508 484847 92.3349 18.806 0.0248804
#> ... ... ... ... ...
#> OEL23_N704_S510 2305060 95.7472 47.1489 0.0159111
#> OEL23_N705_S502 2203300 95.4244 62.5638 0.0195812
#> OEL23_N706_S502 2108490 95.1637 50.6643 0.0182207
#> OEL23_N704_S503 2568300 96.0546 60.5481 0.0155611
#> OEL23_N703_S502 2363500 96.4567 48.4164 0.0122704
#> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
#> OEP01_N706_S501 2e-06 0.20013 0.230654
#> OEP01_N701_S501 0 0.182461 0.20181
#> OEP01_N707_S507 0 0.152627 0.207897
#> OEP01_N705_S501 2e-06 0.169514 0.207342
#> OEP01_N702_S508 0 0.130247 0.230848
#> ... ... ... ...
#> OEL23_N704_S510 0 0.287346 0.314104
#> OEL23_N705_S502 0 0.337264 0.297077
#> OEL23_N706_S502 7e-06 0.244333 0.262663
#> OEL23_N704_S503 0 0.343203 0.338217
#> OEL23_N703_S502 8e-06 0.259367 0.238239
#> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
#> OEP01_N706_S501 0.404205 0.165009 0.430784
#> OEP01_N701_S501 0.465702 0.150027 0.384271
#> OEP01_N707_S507 0.511416 0.12806 0.360524
#> OEP01_N705_S501 0.457556 0.165586 0.376856
#> OEP01_N702_S508 0.477167 0.161738 0.361095
#> ... ... ... ...
#> OEL23_N704_S510 0.250658 0.147892 0.60145
#> OEL23_N705_S502 0.230214 0.135445 0.634341
#> OEL23_N706_S502 0.355899 0.137097 0.506997
#> OEL23_N704_S503 0.174696 0.143885 0.68142
#> OEL23_N703_S502 0.376091 0.126294 0.497606
#> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
#> OEP01_N706_S501 0.843857 0.061028 0.521079
#> OEP01_N701_S501 0.91437 0.03335 0.373993
#> OEP01_N707_S507 0.955405 0.014606 0.49123
#> OEP01_N705_S501 0.81663 0.101798 0.525238
#> OEP01_N702_S508 1.13937 0 0.671565
#> ... ... ... ...
#> OEL23_N704_S510 0.698455 0.198224 0.419745
#> OEL23_N705_S502 0.830816 0.105091 0.398755
#> OEL23_N706_S502 0.805627 0.103363 0.431862
#> OEL23_N704_S503 0.745201 0.118615 0.38422
#> OEL23_N703_S502 0.711685 0.196725 0.377926
#> CreER ERCC_reads slingClusters slingPseudotime_1
#> <numeric> <numeric> <character> <numeric>
#> OEP01_N706_S501 1 10516 c1 NA
#> OEP01_N701_S501 3022 9331 c1 1.17234765019331
#> OEP01_N707_S507 2329 7386 c1 1.05857338852636
#> OEP01_N705_S501 717 6387 c1 1.60463630065258
#> OEP01_N702_S508 6 1218 c1 1.15934111346639
#> ... ... ... ... ...
#> OEL23_N704_S510 659 0 c2 NA
#> OEL23_N705_S502 1552 0 c2 NA
#> OEL23_N706_S502 0 0 c3 8.14552572709918
#> OEL23_N704_S503 0 0 c3 8.53595122837615
#> OEL23_N703_S502 2222 0 c2 NA
#> slingPseudotime_2 slingPseudotime_3
#> <numeric> <numeric>
#> OEP01_N706_S501 NA 0.692789182245903
#> OEP01_N701_S501 1.16364108574816 1.14696263207989
#> OEP01_N707_S507 1.0611741023521 1.03755897807688
#> OEP01_N705_S501 1.61033070603652 1.4465916227885
#> OEP01_N702_S508 1.1674954947514 1.4206584204892
#> ... ... ...
#> OEL23_N704_S510 NA 2.01842841303396
#> OEL23_N705_S502 NA 3.75230631265741
#> OEL23_N706_S502 NA NA
#> OEL23_N704_S503 NA NA
#> OEL23_N703_S502 NA 2.74576551163381
The result of slingshot
applied to a ClusterExperiment
object is still of class ClusterExperiment
. Note that we did not specify a set of cluster labels, implying that slingshot
should use the default primaryClusterNamed
In the workflow, we recover a reasonable ordering of the clusters using the largely unsupervised version of slingshot
. However, in some other cases, we have noticed that we need to give more guidance to the algorithm to find the correct ordering. getLineages
has the option for the user to provide known end cluster(s), which represents a constraint on the MST requiring those clusters to be leaf nodes. Here is the code to use slingshot
in a supervised setting, where we know that clusters c3
, c6
and c2
represent terminal cell fates.
pseudoCeSup <- slingshot(pseudoCe, reducedDim = "MDS", start.clus = "c1",
end.clus = c("c3", "c6", "c2"))
8.8 Differential expression analysis along lineages
After assigning the cells to lineages and ordering them within lineages, we are interested in finding genes that have non-constant expression patterns over pseudotime.
More formally, for each lineage, we use the robust local regression method loess to model in a flexible, non-linear manner the relationship between a gene’s normalized expression measures and pseudotime. We then can test the null hypothesis of no change over time for each gene using the gam
package. We implement this approach for the neuronal lineage and display the expression measures of the top 100 genes by p-value in the heatmap of Figure 8.16.
t <- colData(pseudoCe)$slingPseudotime_1
y <- transformData(pseudoCe)
gam.pval <- apply(y,1,function(z){
d <- data.frame(z=z, t=t)
tmp <- gam(z ~ lo(t), data=d)
p <- summary(tmp)[4][[1]][1,5]
topgenes <- names(sort(gam.pval, decreasing = FALSE))[1:100]
pseudoCe1 <- pseudoCe[,!is.na(t)]
plotHeatmap(pseudoCe1[topgenes,], clusterSamplesData = "orderSamplesValue", breaks = .99)

Figure 8.16: DE: Heatmap of the normalized expression measures for the 100 most significantly DE genes for the neuronal lineage, where rows correspond to genes and columns to cells ordered by pseudotime.