A.1 Version 1.0.1 (2021-03-04)

A.1.1 New features

  • bioc-package.Rmd
    • Split into parallel workflows: “rworkflows” and “usethis + biocthis”.
    • Removed section referencing usethis::use_coverage() as this is no longer necessary due to changes to how
      Codecov works.
    • Add subheaders to the ## Edit the DESCRIPTION file section for easier navigation
    • Added sections on:
      • Depends
      • Imports
      • Suggests
      • Remotes
    • Rename section to make more generalisable: Create a template GitHub Actions –> Enable GitHub Actions
    • Rename section to make less ambiguous: Using GitHub Actions –> Deploy GitHub Actions

A.1.2 Bug fixes

  • Install biochis via remotes::install_bioc() instead of remotes::install_cran() (which doesn’t work).
  • Fixed typos throughout.
  • Fixed typo vignette/–>vignettes/
  • Example GHA workflow report expired, so it’s weird to reference it in tutorial:
  • .github/workflows/build_deploy.yml: Needed a number of fixes.
    • pandoc is already included in the Bioconductor docker images, and trying to install it yourself causes problems.
    • Even if you were doing this without the Bioc Docker container, you would have to fix r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@master (which no longer exists) –> r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v2

A.2 Version 1.0.0 (2021-07-27)

  • Initial definition of the mentorship guidelines.