Chapter 1 Prerequisites

In this section we learn about

  • Creating a billing account
  • Creating an AnVIL account

1.1 Create a google ‘billing account’

Generally, cloud resources cost money, and therefore require a method of payment. But DON’T WORRY, we won’t incur any expenses during this course.

1.2 Create an AnVIL account

  • Visit
  • Select the ‘HAMBURGER’ menu in the top left corner
  • Choose ‘Sign in with Google’

    • Multiple Google accounts? Make sure to use the one you’ve registered with for this workshop.

1.3 Confirm billing project

  • Under the hamburger, select your user name and ‘Billing’,
  • Confirm that ‘bioconductor-rpci-bcc2020’ is an account

    • No account? Use REMO to chat directly with Nitesh Turaga or Lori Shepherd, providing the email address in your AnVIL ‘Profile’.