The manifest
function/method creates a manifest of files to be downloaded
using the GDC Data Transfer Tool. There are methods for
creating manifest data frames from GDCQuery
that contain file information ("cases" and "files" queries).
gFiles = files()
shortManifest = gFiles |> manifest(size=10)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 43
#> id proportion_reads_map…¹ access wgs_coverage proportion_base_mism…²
#> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 6adbeaf6-a0… 1.00 contr… 10x-25x 0.00710
#> 2 025fb946-1d… NA open NA NA
#> 3 c9f1250c-d4… NA contr… NA NA
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹proportion_reads_mapped, ²proportion_base_mismatch
#> # ℹ 38 more variables: contamination_error <dbl>, tumor_ploidy <dbl>,
#> # acl_1 <chr>, type <chr>, platform <chr>, msi_score <dbl>,
#> # state_comment <lgl>, created_datetime <chr>, md5sum <chr>,
#> # updated_datetime <chr>, error_type <lgl>, pairs_on_diff_chr <int>,
#> # state <chr>, data_format <chr>, tumor_purity <dbl>, total_reads <int>,
#> # proportion_coverage_30x <dbl>, file_name <chr>, mean_coverage <dbl>, …