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Changes in version 1.30.0

New features

  • gdc_clinical includes clinical data from the cases.follow_ups.other_clinical_attributes entity (@LiNk-NY).

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Removed legacy function, methods, endpoints, and arguments (@LiNk-NY)
  • Use native pipe |> instead of magrittr::%>% (@LiNk-NY)

Changes in version 1.28.0

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Defunct legacy function, methods, endpoints, and arguments (@LiNk-NY)

Changes in version 1.26.0

New features

  • The GDC API has deprecated the legacy endpoint (#110, @LiNk-NY)

Changes in version 1.24.0

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • gdc_clinical handles NULL responses when diagnoses are not available for all IDs queried (#109, @zx8754).
  • Minor updates to somatic mutations vignette and unit tests.

Changes in version 1.20.0

New features

  • gdcdata has an ellipses argument to download data from the legacy archive, e.g., legacy = TRUE (#84, @LiNk-NY)
  • missing (is MISSING) and !missing (NOT MISSING) operations implemented for filtering queries, see vignette (#96, @LiNk-NY)
  • gdc-client version can be validated against last known good version based on data release (#99, @LiNk-NY)

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • gdc_clinical uses readr::type_convert to handle columns with inconsistent types from the API.
  • update examples in documentation and vignette based on new data release