Request for Your Sweave document to be Converted to Rmd

If you’re a Bioconductor package maintainer and would like help converting your package’s Sweave vignettes to .Rmd, you’re welcome to open an issue in your GitHub repository and ask @Bioconductor/sweave2rmd to convert specific files.

We will put your request on our Sweave2rmd Project Board. We will convert the files to .Rmd. The new vignette will be rendered in HTML. We will also review the conversion internally before sending it back to you for your approval via a pull request.

Convert Your Own Vignettes

If you prefer to convert your own vignettes, see our Contribute document for helpful tips to help with your conversion.

Before Accepting a Pull Request

Please wait for Sweave2Rmd volunteers to review the pull request internally so that they can address any issues that are not specific to your package. When the pull request has passed an internal review, a volunteer will request that you as the maintainer review the pull request to request any additional changes if necessary to accept it.

Squash and Merge a Pull Request

After a pull request has passed your review as a maintainer, you should merge the request on GitHub, using the squash and merge option to reduce the commit history.

After Merging

We recommend that you

  • run BiocCheck on the package and making any changes in a separate pull request
  • update the NEWS file in a separate commit
  • bump the version in the DESCRIPTION in a separate commit so that the build system will recognize that a new version is available to build

You should follow the usual workflow of package development described at Bioconductor Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review to push to the Bioconductor repository.