
R versions

Prior to the release we should be testing the latest binary packages with the upcoming release with R RC or R PRERELEASE on a clean Windows and Mac machine. It’s important to use these binary R installations:

R Windows binary:

R Mac binary:

A “clean” machine means, on Windows, no Rtools, LaTeX, etc. On Mac it means no Xcode and do not use Simon U’s builds, use the one above.

We should test with both the GUI and command-line versions of R. One specific thing to test is that the impute, DNAcopy, and NuPoP packages can be loaded on a Mac in the R GUI. If they can’t, the links in the .so files are not being fixed properly.

During this process, we want to watch every day for new R versions (RC, prerelease,etc) and install them on our devel build systems.

Some important operations that need to happen before a BioC release, in this order

Six weeks before

  • Start building annotations (update R on the annotation EC2 instance)

  • Update AnnotationForge and GenomeInfoDbData data files in preparation for nonstandard orgdb generation

  • db0 packages posted to the devel repo

  • Draft release schedule.

  • Divide package ranges

  • Start contacting maintainers about errors including bad NEWS files

  • Create slack channel on dev-team slack

  • Announce new package submission deadline

  • Announce release schedule

  • OrgDb and TxDb packages posted to the devel repo

  • After OrgDb and TxDb are in devel repo, add to annotationhub

Four weeks before

  • Announce deprecated / defunct packages

  • Announce contributed annotation deadline

  • Update GenmeInfoDb mapping table between UCSC and ensembl

Three weeks before

  • The day before we stop the release builds, update in the current release, e.g., 3.5.

  • Deadline for new package submissions

Two weeks before

  • Disable commits to old release branch. see scripts/sedCommandsForVariousTasks.txt

  • After the last build report for old relase is online, stop the old release builds.


After stopping release builds, on all Mac build machines, point the “Current” symlink in /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions to the new DEVEL version of R. Otherwise we will be producing broken binaries! (Not applicable if only one build is running on each Mac machine, as should be the case from BioC 2.9 onward; but we do want to make sure that there is only ever one version of R installed on these Mac build machines.)

  • Update by moving the old release to the top of the “Archived results for past release” section.

  • Feature freeze for the to-be-release version. No API changes, no new packages added to the roster.

  • All contributed annotation packages added to the to-be-release repo.

  • Install latest biocViews on biocpush account on to-be-release master builder.

  • Create the manifest files for new devel and remove the deprecated packages BEFORE the first build.

  • Remove packages from package.conf that have been defunct and removed from last release

  • Start setting up new devel builders and repositories.

    Make sure that the R that runs as biocpush is current, has the most current biocViews and that ‘knitcitations’ is installed.

    Note about Simlinks to old devel:

    Until the next devel builds are running, we want symlinks pointing to the old devel builds so that the BiocManager package will work. This includes the software, data/annotation, and data/experiment repositories. Remove these symlinks when the builds start running.

  • Add links to checkResults page for new devel builds

  • Confirm build report for new devel builds is intact

  • Think about chaning BiocManager and the /developers/howto/useDevel web page. Modify any R/BioC versions if necessary.

  • Update AMI and docker for the release being frozen, e.g., 3.5. Do this before we branch so r-release is still pointing at 3.5 instead of 3.6.

  • Update NEWS files

One week before

  • Packages and workflows clean of errors and warnings

Day before we branch (D-2):

  • Manifest file for the release branch

    Create the manifest file for the release branch, e.g., “RELEASE_3_6”. Up to this point and until we branch tomorrow, both 3.6 and the new devel should be using the “master” manifest.


  • Branch creation must be done after all packages for 3.6 have been added to the manifest.

  • As part of the bump and branch process tomorrow, the BBS_BIOC_MANIFEST_GIT_BRANCH variable on the release builder will be modified to point to the correct manifest. This variable is defined in the and config.bat files located in the ~biocbuild/BBS/3.6/bioc/ and ~biocbuild/BBS/3.6/data-experiment/ folders. For now, packages must still be built off their master branch so do NOT touch the BBS_BIOC_GIT_BRANCH variable!

Day we branch (D-1):

  • Send mail to bioc-devel to ask people to stop commits until further notice so we can create the 3.6 branches (software and data experiment). The bump and branch took about 2 hours.

  • Bump versions and create BioC 3.6 release branch

  • Confirm MEAT0 is pointed at the correct manifest for the 3.6 and 3.7 builds.

  • Update gitolite authorization files to give maintainers R/W access to their package in the new branch. see scripts/sedCommandsForVariousTasks.txt

  • Confirm new branch can be checkout from a location other than the machine used to create the branch (i.e., your local system).

  • Announce the creation of the 3.6 branch and that commits can resume. Clarify the difference between the new branch and master.

  • Confirm defunct packages have been removed from the 3.7 manifest.

  • BiocManager: Update R version dependency in devel version of BiocVersion.

  • Run the builds …

  • Run a script to generate recent NEWS for all packages, to be included in the release announcement. (biocViews:::getPackageNEWS.R()). Verify that there are no s in output. Collate package descriptions with biocViews:::getPackageDescriptions().

Release day


    Update config.yaml in the root of the working copy and change values as indicated in the comments. This will (among other things), automatically update the website symlinks (“release” and “devel”) under /packages.


If there is no annotation branch, that line under ‘devel_repos’ must be commented out; if any of annotation, experiment data or software are not available (and a simlink makes them unavailable) the script will break and landing pages will not be generated. If using symlinks, mark as unavailable or else will destroy symlinked directory!

After a release you should let the no-longer-release version build one last time so package landing pages won’t say “release version”.

  • rsync on master

    UPDATE the /etc/rsyncd.conf on and restart rsync.

    sudo systemctl restart rsync

Test rsync is still working as expected with commands from:

  • mirrors/enable archiving for bioc in apache config

    The mirror instructions on the website will be updated automatically when config.yaml is updated.

    The apache config files need to updated by hand. Add a new (copy-paste) section at the top for the new release number in these 2 files:



It couldn’t hurt to restart the Apache server:

    sudo service apache2 restart

Test the mirrors with commands from: In a test directory the following should produce correct results

    rsync -zrtlv --delete . 
    rsync -zrtlv --delete . 
  • Update checkResults page and symlinks (“release” and “devel”) under checkResults/.

  • Website updates: – Update build report index page and symlinks; remove “devel” background image from report.css (if there is one).

    – Put release announcement on web and add to pages which contain links to all release announcements (/about/release-announcements and **/layouts/_release_announcements.html**). Put today’s date at the top of the web version of the release announcement.

    – Add the last release version to the list of ‘Previous Versions’ (layouts/_bioc_older_packages.html). DON’T FORGET THIS!

    – Update link to release announcement on main index page

    – Update number of packages on main index page

    – Add “Disallow: /packages/XX/” to the web site’s robots.txt file where XX is the new devel version (one higher than the version) that was just released. (on master)

    – Update for BiocManager

  • Webstats updates

  • BiocManager::install() sanity check

    Was BiocManager installed / updated properly? With a fresh R devel and release

  • Finalize release announcement

    – compare number of packages in announcement with manifest file

  • Once the build report posts and products are pushed to master confirm landing pages have updated versions

  • Announce the release

  • Tweet a link to the release announcement

  • Update Wikipedia page for Bioconductor

  • Go for a beer.


Week after the Release (D+):

  • Confirm Archive/ folder is working for new release. The relevant script is BBS/utils/list.old.packages.R which depends on BiocManager to determine if archiving should happen. Example location to look:
    biocpush@nebbiolo1:~$ ls PACKAGES/3.15/bioc/src/contrib/Archive/
  • A few days after release, flush the new release package repo. This will remove odd numbered y of x.y.z version left over from being devel and highlight packages that are erroring in release.

  • Build dockers for new release and devel

  • Update SPB and clean sqlite file

  • ID packages for deprecation

  • Update static data in Bioconductor packages GenomeInfoDB and Update GenomeInfoDB/inst/extdata/dataFiles/genomeMappingTbl.csv mapping table for any new ensembl or UCSC entries. Update keytypes.txt and speclist.txt Will need to checkout github branch remove_static_files branch for code to generate these files (in R/ code).

  • reach out to packages with malformated NEWS files for correction

  • Update Bioconductor GitHub repositories

    Push packages with “core-package tag from to github. Check if any packages have commits to just github (not sure how to fix?). If all looks ok, sync from to github.

  • Move legacy release build products off master and into AWS/OSN. Only active release and devel on master

  • update books/release/