
1 Introduction

In this tutorial we walk through a typical spatial transcriptomics analysis using Bioconductor packages.

Spatial transcriptomics is a fast evolving set of technologies and we cannot cover all protocols here. However, we will show an example of spot-based protocols, namely 10X Genomics Visium, and an example of imaging-based methods, namely Nanostring CosMX. Note that this is an area of current development and some methods will likely be improved in the next months.

Most of the steps covered here, especially those for spot-based data, are described in the Best Practices ST book.

The Voyager Bioconductor package (Moses et al. 2023) also has an extensive set of tutorials that cover most of the currently available spatial transcriptomics technologies.

While not covered in this tutorial, there are packages and software tools for the analysis of spatial transcriptomics data outside of Bioconductor too. Popular tools include the Seurat R package, the Giotto R package and the SpatialData python package.

2 Visium Data

We will initially focus on 10X Genomics Visium. We start from the output of the Space Ranger preprocessing software. This is the 10X Genomics software suite that allows to pre-process the FASTQ files generated by the sequencing platform and perform alignment and quantification. We will perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) and quality control (QC). We will then cover normalization, the identification of spatially variable genes dimensionality reduction and cell type identification and .

2.1 Experimental data

We will use one sample of human brain from the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) region, measured using the 10x Genomics Visium platform.

In the full dataset, there are 12 samples in total, from 3 individuals, with 2 pairs of spatially adjacent replicates (serial sections) per individual (4 samples per individual). The individuals and spatially adjacent replicates can be used as blocking factors. Each sample spans the six layers of the cortex plus white matter in a perpendicular tissue section. For the examples in this workflow we use a single sample from this dataset (sample 151673).

For more details on the dataset, see Maynard et al. (2021). The full dataset is publicly available through the spatialLIBD Bioconductor package.

2.2 The SpatialExperiment class

SpatialExperiment is a S4 class that extends SingleCellExperiment and can be used for efficiently storing and working with spatial data in R/Bioconductor.

This class is itself extended by MoleculeExperiment and SpatialFeatureExperiment, which allow to more easily work with imaging-based data. For the moment, we will use SpatialExperiment.

A more thorough overview of SingleCellExperiment can be found in Righelli et al. (2022).

We start by loading the data.

spe <- Visium_humanDLPFC()
## class: SpatialExperiment 
## dim: 33538 4992 
## metadata(0):
## assays(1): counts
## rownames(33538): ENSG00000243485 ENSG00000237613 ... ENSG00000277475
##   ENSG00000268674
## rowData names(3): gene_id gene_name feature_type
## colData names(8): barcode_id sample_id ... reference cell_count
## reducedDimNames(0):
## mainExpName: NULL
## altExpNames(0):
## spatialCoords names(2) : pxl_col_in_fullres pxl_row_in_fullres
## imgData names(4): sample_id image_id data scaleFactor

The SpatialExperiment class should be fairly familiar, since it is heavily based on the SingleCellExperiment class. In addition to the slots that you already know, a SpatialExperiment object includes the spatialCoords and the imgData slots.

##                    pxl_col_in_fullres pxl_row_in_fullres
## AAACAACGAATAGTTC-1               3913               2435
## AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1               9791               8468
## AAACAATCTACTAGCA-1               5769               2807
## AAACACCAATAACTGC-1               4068               9505
## AAACAGAGCGACTCCT-1               9271               4151
## AAACAGCTTTCAGAAG-1               3393               7583
## DataFrame with 2 rows and 4 columns
##       sample_id    image_id   data scaleFactor
##     <character> <character> <list>   <numeric>
## 1 sample_151673      lowres   ####   0.0450045
## 2 sample_151673       hires   ####   0.1500150

Note that the colData DataFrame is still where most of the useful information about the spots are available.

## DataFrame with 4992 rows and 8 columns
##                            barcode_id     sample_id in_tissue array_row
##                           <character>   <character> <integer> <integer>
## AAACAACGAATAGTTC-1 AAACAACGAATAGTTC-1 sample_151673         0         0
## AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1 AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1 sample_151673         1        50
## AAACAATCTACTAGCA-1 AAACAATCTACTAGCA-1 sample_151673         1         3
## AAACACCAATAACTGC-1 AAACACCAATAACTGC-1 sample_151673         1        59
## AAACAGAGCGACTCCT-1 AAACAGAGCGACTCCT-1 sample_151673         1        14
## ...                               ...           ...       ...       ...
## TTGTTTCACATCCAGG-1 TTGTTTCACATCCAGG-1 sample_151673         1        58
## TTGTTTCATTAGTCTA-1 TTGTTTCATTAGTCTA-1 sample_151673         1        60
## TTGTTTCCATACAACT-1 TTGTTTCCATACAACT-1 sample_151673         1        45
## TTGTTTGTATTACACG-1 TTGTTTGTATTACACG-1 sample_151673         1        73
## TTGTTTGTGTAAATTC-1 TTGTTTGTGTAAATTC-1 sample_151673         1         7
##                    array_col ground_truth   reference cell_count
##                    <integer>  <character> <character>  <integer>
## AAACAACGAATAGTTC-1        16           NA          NA         NA
## AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1       102       Layer3      Layer3          6
## AAACAATCTACTAGCA-1        43       Layer1      Layer1         16
## AAACACCAATAACTGC-1        19           WM          WM          5
## AAACAGAGCGACTCCT-1        94       Layer3      Layer3          2
## ...                      ...          ...         ...        ...
## TTGTTTCACATCCAGG-1        42           WM          WM          3
## TTGTTTCATTAGTCTA-1        30           WM          WM          4
## TTGTTTCCATACAACT-1        27       Layer6      Layer6          3
## TTGTTTGTATTACACG-1        41           WM          WM         16
## TTGTTTGTGTAAATTC-1        51       Layer2      Layer2          5

In this case, we have a ground truth annotation of the spots, as well as an indication of the number of cells covered by each spots.

2.3 Visualization

One nice feature of spatial transcriptomics is that we can “see” the tissue under study and visualize the spots on top of the histology image. We will use the `ggspavis package to do so.



We can also visualize the ground truth annotation of the spots.

plotSpots(spe, annotate = "ground_truth", 
          pal = "libd_layer_colors")

We can see that, while the Visium platform consists of a grid of spots, only some of them will be covered by the tissue: these are called “in_tissue” in SpatialExperiment.

spe$in_tissue <- as.factor(spe$in_tissue)
plotSpots(spe, in_tissue = NULL, annotate = "in_tissue")

For the rest of the workflow, we will only keep the in-tissue spots.

spe <- spe[, colData(spe)$in_tissue == 1]

2.4 Quality control and normalization

Spot-based spatial transcriptomics is based on short-read sequencing of RNA molecules and as such many methods originally developed for single-cell RNA-seq can be used to analyze Visium data.

In particular, scater’s perCellQCMetrics function can be used to compute a set of metrics useful to evaluate the quality of the samples. The isOutlier function uses a data driven threshold to define cells of lower quality compared to the rest of the dataset.

Similarly to what we have done in the single-cell workflow, it is useful to identify spots with high percentages of mitochondrial reads, which may be a symptom of poor sample quality.

rowData(spe)$location <- mapIds(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86,
                                     column="SEQNAME", keytype="GENEID")
## 33213    13

We can now compute the QC metrics with scater.

spe <- addPerCellQC(spe, subsets = list(mito = which(rowData(spe)$location=="MT")))
## DataFrame with 3639 rows and 14 columns
##                            barcode_id     sample_id in_tissue array_row
##                           <character>   <character>  <factor> <integer>
## AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1 AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1 sample_151673         1        50
## AAACAATCTACTAGCA-1 AAACAATCTACTAGCA-1 sample_151673         1         3
## AAACACCAATAACTGC-1 AAACACCAATAACTGC-1 sample_151673         1        59
## AAACAGAGCGACTCCT-1 AAACAGAGCGACTCCT-1 sample_151673         1        14
## AAACAGCTTTCAGAAG-1 AAACAGCTTTCAGAAG-1 sample_151673         1        43
## ...                               ...           ...       ...       ...
## TTGTTTCACATCCAGG-1 TTGTTTCACATCCAGG-1 sample_151673         1        58
## TTGTTTCATTAGTCTA-1 TTGTTTCATTAGTCTA-1 sample_151673         1        60
## TTGTTTCCATACAACT-1 TTGTTTCCATACAACT-1 sample_151673         1        45
## TTGTTTGTATTACACG-1 TTGTTTGTATTACACG-1 sample_151673         1        73
## TTGTTTGTGTAAATTC-1 TTGTTTGTGTAAATTC-1 sample_151673         1         7
##                    array_col ground_truth   reference cell_count       sum
##                    <integer>  <character> <character>  <integer> <numeric>
## AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1       102       Layer3      Layer3          6      8458
## AAACAATCTACTAGCA-1        43       Layer1      Layer1         16      1667
## AAACACCAATAACTGC-1        19           WM          WM          5      3769
## AAACAGAGCGACTCCT-1        94       Layer3      Layer3          2      5433
## AAACAGCTTTCAGAAG-1         9       Layer5      Layer5          4      4278
## ...                      ...          ...         ...        ...       ...
## TTGTTTCACATCCAGG-1        42           WM          WM          3      4324
## TTGTTTCATTAGTCTA-1        30           WM          WM          4      2761
## TTGTTTCCATACAACT-1        27       Layer6      Layer6          3      2322
## TTGTTTGTATTACACG-1        41           WM          WM         16      2331
## TTGTTTGTGTAAATTC-1        51       Layer2      Layer2          5      6281
##                     detected subsets_mito_sum subsets_mito_detected
##                    <numeric>        <numeric>             <numeric>
## AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1      3586             1407                    13
## AAACAATCTACTAGCA-1      1150              204                    11
## AAACACCAATAACTGC-1      1960              430                    13
## AAACAGAGCGACTCCT-1      2424             1316                    13
## AAACAGCTTTCAGAAG-1      2264              651                    12
## ...                      ...              ...                   ...
## TTGTTTCACATCCAGG-1      2170              370                    12
## TTGTTTCATTAGTCTA-1      1560              314                    12
## TTGTTTCCATACAACT-1      1343              476                    13
## TTGTTTGTATTACACG-1      1420              308                    12
## TTGTTTGTGTAAATTC-1      2927              991                    13
##                    subsets_mito_percent     total
##                               <numeric> <numeric>
## AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1              16.6351      8458
## AAACAATCTACTAGCA-1              12.2376      1667
## AAACACCAATAACTGC-1              11.4089      3769
## AAACAGAGCGACTCCT-1              24.2223      5433
## AAACAGCTTTCAGAAG-1              15.2174      4278
## ...                                 ...       ...
## TTGTTTCACATCCAGG-1              8.55689      4324
## TTGTTTCATTAGTCTA-1             11.37269      2761
## TTGTTTCCATACAACT-1             20.49957      2322
## TTGTTTGTATTACACG-1             13.21321      2331
## TTGTTTGTGTAAATTC-1             15.77774      6281

We can visualize the metrics and compute data-driven thresholds to flag low-quality cells.


high.mito <- isOutlier(spe$subsets_mito_percent, type="higher")
## high.mito
##  3627    12

low.umi <- isOutlier(spe$sum, type="lower")
## low.umi
##  3639

In this case, only a few spots are discarded for high mitochondrial content. We can check whether there are spatial patterns of low quality.

colData(spe)$high.mito <- high.mito
plotSpotQC(spe, plot_type = "spot", 
           annotate = "high.mito")

We can plot the library sizes against the number of cells per spot (which is available for this dataset). We expect that spots with more cells will tend to have a higher number of UMIs.

plotSpotQC(spe, plot_type = "scatter", 
           x_metric = "cell_count", y_metric = "sum")

We see that the spots with very high cell counts also have low numbers of expressed genes. This indicates that the experiments have failed for these spots, and they should be removed. We select a threshold of 10 cells per spot. The number of spots above this threshold is relatively small, and there is a clear downward trend in the number of expressed genes above this threshold.

high.cellcount <- colData(spe)$cell_count > 10
## high.cellcount
##  3549    90
spe$high.cellcount <- high.cellcount
plotSpotQC(spe, plot_type = "spot", 
           annotate = "high.cellcount")

The discarded spots are all on the edges of the tissue. It seems plausible that something has gone wrong with the cell segmentation on the edges of the images, so it makes sense to remove these spots.

Since only a small number of spots are flagged as low quality, we can leave them in the object and simply flag them as low-quality.

table(high.cellcount | high.mito)
##  3537   102
low_quality <- which(high.cellcount | high.mito)

As for quality control, normalization can be borrowed from the single-cell literature. Published work use simple methods, such as the library size normalization. We use here this simple strategy, but more advanced methods can be used (see the single-cell workflow).

spe <- logNormCounts(spe)
## class: SpatialExperiment 
## dim: 33538 3639 
## metadata(0):
## assays(2): counts logcounts
## rownames(33538): ENSG00000243485 ENSG00000237613 ... ENSG00000277475
##   ENSG00000268674
## rowData names(4): gene_id gene_name feature_type location
## colData names(17): barcode_id sample_id ... high.cellcount sizeFactor
## reducedDimNames(0):
## mainExpName: NULL
## altExpNames(0):
## spatialCoords names(2) : pxl_col_in_fullres pxl_row_in_fullres
## imgData names(4): sample_id image_id data scaleFactor

Exercise: Use the scran package to normalize the data with the pool deconvolution method and compare the size factors with the library sizes.

3 Spatially variable genes

In a typical single-cell analysis, we focus on the highly variable genes in the hope that they will carry most of the biological information. Spatial transcriptomics allows us to identify spatially variable genes (SVGs), i.e., genes with spatially correlated patterns of expression across the tissue area.

Several methods to identify SVGs in ST data have recently been developed; here we focus on the nnSVG method (Weber et al. 2023).

In this example, we run nnSVG using a small subset of the dataset for faster runtime. We select a subset by subsampling on the set of spots and including stringent filtering for low-expressed genes. A full analysis using all spots for this dataset and default filtering parameters for Visium data from human brain tissue takes around 45 minutes for one Visium sample on a standard laptop.


n <- 100
ix <- sample(seq_len(n), n)
spe_nnSVG <- spe[, ix]

spe_nnSVG <- filter_genes(
  spe_nnSVG, filter_genes_ncounts = 10, filter_genes_pcspots = 3
spe_nnSVG <- logNormCounts(spe_nnSVG)

spe_nnSVG <- nnSVG(spe_nnSVG)
head(rowData(spe_nnSVG), 3)
## DataFrame with 3 rows and 18 columns
##                         gene_id   gene_name    feature_type    location
##                     <character> <character>     <character> <character>
## ENSG00000074800 ENSG00000074800        ENO1 Gene Expression           1
## ENSG00000171603 ENSG00000171603      CLSTN1 Gene Expression           1
## ENSG00000162545 ENSG00000162545     CAMK2N1 Gene Expression           1
##                   sigma.sq    tau.sq       phi    loglik   runtime      mean
##                  <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
## ENSG00000074800 0.00689397  0.537541  21.01207  -111.492     0.009   1.71503
## ENSG00000171603 0.57866902  0.125757  23.32804  -120.270     0.010   2.09564
## ENSG00000162545 0.18362513  0.562470   4.97238  -123.776     0.011   2.58247
##                       var     spcov   prop_sv loglik_lm   LR_stat      rank
##                 <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
## ENSG00000074800  0.549317  0.048413 0.0126626  -111.437 -0.109614       161
## ENSG00000171603  0.721747  0.362993 0.8214763  -125.087  9.634798        59
## ENSG00000162545  0.759200  0.165932 0.2461151  -127.617  7.682376        75
##                      pval      padj
##                 <numeric> <numeric>
## ENSG00000074800 1.0000000 1.0000000
## ENSG00000171603 0.0080878 0.0234409
## ENSG00000162545 0.0214681 0.0489472

We can for instance inspect the top SVGs by ordering by the rank column.

## DataFrame with 171 rows and 18 columns
##                         gene_id   gene_name    feature_type    location
##                     <character> <character>     <character> <character>
## ENSG00000197971 ENSG00000197971         MBP Gene Expression          18
## ENSG00000123560 ENSG00000123560        PLP1 Gene Expression           X
## ENSG00000173786 ENSG00000173786         CNP Gene Expression          17
## ENSG00000109846 ENSG00000109846       CRYAB Gene Expression          11
## ENSG00000131095 ENSG00000131095        GFAP Gene Expression          17
## ...                         ...         ...             ...         ...
## ENSG00000173812 ENSG00000173812        EIF1 Gene Expression          17
## ENSG00000128989 ENSG00000128989      ARPP19 Gene Expression          15
## ENSG00000150991 ENSG00000150991         UBC Gene Expression          12
## ENSG00000131143 ENSG00000131143      COX4I1 Gene Expression          16
## ENSG00000138326 ENSG00000138326       RPS24 Gene Expression          10
##                   sigma.sq    tau.sq       phi    loglik   runtime      mean
##                  <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
## ENSG00000197971    2.83483  0.173900  1.550925  -120.999     0.011   3.74783
## ENSG00000123560    3.80992  0.513980  0.942131  -143.802     0.010   2.78344
## ENSG00000173786    2.02307  0.390224  1.151300  -126.786     0.009   1.73816
## ENSG00000109846    2.00210  0.303676  1.793466  -127.424     0.008   1.80283
## ENSG00000131095    2.49706  0.513030  2.687935  -154.650     0.009   2.01780
## ...                    ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
## ENSG00000173812 0.01120531  0.552721 11.405284 -113.2418     0.009   2.20198
## ENSG00000128989 0.01913710  0.724128 11.921848 -127.0426     0.008   2.17656
## ENSG00000150991 0.00563829  0.332138 23.772113  -87.6236     0.007   2.69460
## ENSG00000131143 0.01643595  0.654543 15.903211 -121.9345     0.008   2.69960
## ENSG00000138326 0.00746273  0.580789  0.227044 -115.3014     0.009   2.44050
##                       var     spcov   prop_sv loglik_lm   LR_stat      rank
##                 <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
## ENSG00000197971   2.74088  0.449245  0.942201  -191.805  141.6122         1
## ENSG00000123560   3.16595  0.701256  0.881130  -199.014  110.4231         2
## ENSG00000173786   1.92044  0.818305  0.838303  -174.019   94.4664         3
## ENSG00000109846   1.90257  0.784854  0.868298  -173.552   92.2545         4
## ENSG00000131095   2.77227  0.783134  0.829563  -192.375   75.4484         5
## ...                   ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
## ENSG00000173812  0.568611 0.0480727 0.0198702 -113.1634 -0.156703       167
## ENSG00000128989  0.749152 0.0635576 0.0257474 -126.9506 -0.183908       168
## ENSG00000150991  0.340548 0.0278663 0.0166924  -87.5314 -0.184430       169
## ENSG00000131143  0.676280 0.0474896 0.0244955 -121.8339 -0.201117       170
## ENSG00000138326  0.592135 0.0353973 0.0126863 -115.1903 -0.222210       171
##                      pval      padj
##                 <numeric> <numeric>
## ENSG00000197971         0         0
## ENSG00000123560         0         0
## ENSG00000173786         0         0
## ENSG00000109846         0         0
## ENSG00000131095         0         0
## ...                   ...       ...
## ENSG00000173812         1         1
## ENSG00000128989         1         1
## ENSG00000150991         1         1
## ENSG00000131143         1         1
## ENSG00000138326         1         1

These results already offer a way to explore potentially interesting spatial signal, e.g., by plotting the expression pattern of the top ranked genes.

plotSpots(spe, annotate = "ENSG00000197971")

4 Dimensionality reduction

We now apply principal component analysis (PCA) to reduce the dimensionality of the dataset, and retain the top 50 principal components (PCs) for further downstream analyses.

This is done for two reasons: (i) to reduce noise due to random variation in expression of biologically uninteresting genes, which are assumed to have expression patterns that are independent of each other, and (ii) to improve computational efficiency during downstream analyses.

Here we use scater’s implementation of PCA that by default uses the top 500 most variable genes, but one can specify to use SVGs instead, e.g., by running nnSVG on the full dataset and select the top 500 or 1000 SVGs.

We will also visualize the data in a UMAP plot.

spe <- runPCA(spe)
spe <- runUMAP(spe)

plotPCA(spe, colour_by = "ground_truth")

plotUMAP(spe, colour_by = "ground_truth")

Again, one advantage of spatial transcriptomics is the ability of visualizing gene expression (in this case the top PCs) in the space of the original tissue. Here, we visualize the top two PCs.

spe$PC1 <- reducedDim(spe)[,1]
spe$PC2 <- reducedDim(spe)[,2]
plotSpots(spe, annotate = "PC1")

plotSpots(spe, annotate = "PC2")

5 Spatially-aware clustering

It is natural to think that spots that are physically close in tissue’s space will be more likely to be of the same type (e.g., represent a morphological distinct spatial domain).

This is the main idea behind BayesSpace (Zhao et al. 2021), which uses a Bayesian Pott’s model to cluster spots.

Here, we specify seven clusters becaue we know from the ground truth labels that we should expect seven areas in the tissue. The BayesSpace package vignette describes a more general worklfow to use when the number of clusters is unknown.

For computational reasons we run this analysis with only 1000 iterations, but in real analyses at least 10,000 are needed.


spe_bay <- as(spe, "SingleCellExperiment")
spe_bay$row <- spe_bay$array_row
spe_bay$col <- spe_bay$array_col


spe_bay <- spatialPreprocess(spe_bay, platform="Visium", 
                              n.PCs=10, n.HVGs=1000)

spe_bay <- spatialCluster(spe_bay, q=7, platform="Visium", d=10,
                           init.method="mclust", model="t", gamma=2,

We can now visualize the spatial clusters.


6 Spot deconvolution

We have seen that each spot can contain up to 10 cells in this dataset. Some methods have been developed to deconvolve the gene expression of each spot into different cell types that may make up the spot’s composition. Here, we look at one such algorithm, called SPOTlight (Elosua-Bayes et al. 2021), but many others exist.


sce <- fetchDataset("zhong-prefrontal-2018", version = "2023-12-22")
## DataFrame with 2394 rows and 9 columns
##                           developmental_stage      gender      sample
##                                   <character> <character> <character>
## GW08_PFC1_sc1          8 weeks after gestat..      female   GW08_PFC1
## GW08_PFC1_sc2          8 weeks after gestat..      female   GW08_PFC1
## GW08_PFC1_sc3          8 weeks after gestat..      female   GW08_PFC1
## GW08_PFC1_sc4          8 weeks after gestat..      female   GW08_PFC1
## GW08_PFC1_sc5          8 weeks after gestat..      female   GW08_PFC1
## ...                                       ...         ...         ...
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc46 23 weeks after gesta..      female GW23_PFC2_2
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc47 23 weeks after gesta..      female GW23_PFC2_2
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc48 23 weeks after gesta..      female GW23_PFC2_2
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc49 23 weeks after gesta..      female GW23_PFC2_2
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc50 23 weeks after gesta..      female GW23_PFC2_2
##                               cell_types        week  Gene_num Pre_Map_Reads
##                              <character> <character> <numeric>     <numeric>
## GW08_PFC1_sc1                    Neurons        GW08      4405       5941167
## GW08_PFC1_sc2          GABAergic neurons        GW08      3587       1288826
## GW08_PFC1_sc3                    Neurons        GW08      2866       1273574
## GW08_PFC1_sc4                    Neurons        GW08      2140       1005001
## GW08_PFC1_sc5                  Microglia        GW08      4119       3034624
## ...                                  ...         ...       ...           ...
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc46 GABAergic neurons        GW23      1695       1197768
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc47               OPC        GW23      2865       2742178
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc48 GABAergic neurons        GW23      3506       6760612
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc49 GABAergic neurons        GW23      2253       2561934
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc50 GABAergic neurons        GW23      1654       1163304
##                        Aligned_Reads MappingRate
##                            <numeric>   <numeric>
## GW08_PFC1_sc1                4622105       0.778
## GW08_PFC1_sc2                1025863       0.796
## GW08_PFC1_sc3                1019595       0.801
## GW08_PFC1_sc4                 778936       0.775
## GW08_PFC1_sc5                2346561       0.773
## ...                              ...         ...
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc46        834420       0.697
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc47       1953612       0.712
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc48       3887377       0.575
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc49       1369273       0.534
## GW23_PFC2_SF2_F25_sc50        744059       0.640
##        Astrocytes GABAergic neurons         Microglia           Neurons 
##                76               701                68              1057 
##               OPC        Stem cells 
##               117               290

We want to select only informative genes from the reference, and subsample the cells to have a balanced representation of all the cell types.

# filter low-quality cells
sce <- addPerCellQC(sce)
sce <- sce[, sce$sum > 1000]

# normalization
sce <- logNormCounts(sce)

# hvg selection
dec <- modelGeneVar(sce)
hvg <- getTopHVGs(dec, n = 3000)

# marker genes
colLabels(sce) <- colData(sce)$cell_types
mgs <- scoreMarkers(sce)

# keep only genes informative for cell type identity 
mgs_fil <- lapply(names(mgs), function(i) {
    x <- mgs[[i]]
    # Filter and keep relevant marker genes, those with AUC > 0.8
    x <- x[x$mean.AUC > 0.8, ]
    # Sort the genes from highest to lowest weight
    x <- x[order(x$mean.AUC, decreasing = TRUE), ]
    # Add gene and cluster id to the dataframe
    x$gene <- rownames(x)
    x$cluster <- i
mgs_df <-, mgs_fil)
##        self.average other.average self.detected other.detected mean.logFC.cohen
## CLU        9.132017     3.0830456     1.0000000      0.7980547         3.620331
## CST3      11.248005     5.6029258     1.0000000      0.9304197         3.187752
## ATP1A2     7.359000     1.5855057     1.0000000      0.5272619         3.693600
## PTN       10.329705     5.2177866     1.0000000      0.9117331         2.921514
## TNC        6.192645     0.8923408     0.9736842      0.3598610         3.270166
## SLC1A3     7.627345     2.7879639     1.0000000      0.6541743         3.115507
##        min.logFC.cohen median.logFC.cohen max.logFC.cohen rank.logFC.cohen
## CLU           2.255557           3.808963        4.804147                1
## CST3          1.679610           3.376374        3.974721                2
## ATP1A2        2.123685           3.833893        4.844772                3
## PTN           1.432999           3.437775        4.430631                4
## TNC           2.272726           3.394062        4.102214                3
## SLC1A3        1.762271           2.039550        5.049038                1
##         mean.AUC   min.AUC median.AUC   max.AUC rank.AUC mean.logFC.detected
## CLU    0.9845035 0.9621008  0.9939185 0.9992260        1           0.3245889
## CST3   0.9805865 0.9129555  0.9978790 0.9999502        1           0.1053531
## ATP1A2 0.9727240 0.9162168  0.9844583 0.9963235        3           0.9378080
## PTN    0.9643422 0.9056455  0.9981605 1.0000000        1           0.1333831
## TNC    0.9571244 0.9174539  0.9687852 0.9816176        4           1.4345833
## SLC1A3 0.9550137 0.9027215  0.9491099 0.9943877        3           0.6743354
##        min.logFC.detected median.logFC.detected max.logFC.detected
## CLU            0.19518667             0.3011695          0.4574587
## CST3           0.00000000             0.1407118          0.1974822
## ATP1A2         0.48767052             0.9437784          1.3996101
## PTN            0.04243527             0.1638909          0.2225432
## TNC            0.90781570             1.4962073          1.8225302
## SLC1A3         0.20163386             0.4055499          1.2835610
##        rank.logFC.detected   gene    cluster
## CLU                   6644    CLU Astrocytes
## CST3                  8562   CST3 Astrocytes
## ATP1A2                1577 ATP1A2 Astrocytes
## PTN                   8127    PTN Astrocytes
## TNC                    743    TNC Astrocytes
## SLC1A3                1475 SLC1A3 Astrocytes

For computational reason, we select 5 cells per cell type, but in real analyses 100 cells per cell types may be used.

# split cell indices by identity
idx <- split(seq(ncol(sce)), sce$cell_types)

# downsample to at most 5 per identity & subset
n_cells <- 5
cs_keep <- lapply(idx, function(i) {
    n <- length(i)
    if (n < n_cells)
        n_cells <- n
    sample(i, n_cells)
sce <- sce[, unlist(cs_keep)]

We are now ready to run the spot deconvolution.

# the reference uses gene symbol as row names
rownames(spe) <- rowData(spe)$gene_name

res <- SPOTlight(
    x = sce,
    y = spe,
    groups = as.character(sce$cell_types),
    mgs = mgs_df,
    hvg = hvg,
    weight_id = "mean.AUC",
    group_id = "cluster",
    gene_id = "gene")

# extract results
mod <- res$NMF

We can visualize the results in several ways, but the most popular is the so-called “scatter pie”, which represents the proportion of cell types in each spot as a pie chart.

# SPOTlight needs unique sample_id names
imgData(spe)$sample_id[1] <- "sample_151673_lr"

mat <- res$mat
ct <- colnames(mat)
mat[mat < 0.1] <- 0

# Define color palette
# (here we use 'paletteMartin' from the 'colorBlindness' package)
paletteMartin <- c(
    "#000000", "#004949", "#009292", "#ff6db6", "#ffb6db", 
    "#490092", "#006ddb", "#b66dff", "#6db6ff", "#b6dbff", 
    "#920000", "#924900", "#db6d00", "#24ff24", "#ffff6d")

pal <- colorRampPalette(paletteMartin)(length(ct))
names(pal) <- ct

    x = spe,
    y = mat,
    cell_types = colnames(mat),
    img = FALSE,
    scatterpie_alpha = 1,
    pie_scale = 0.4) +
        values = pal,
        breaks = names(pal))

7 Working with Imaging-based data

We can download and visualize an example CosMX data, using the SFEData Bioconductor package.

sfe <- HeNSCLCData()
## class: SpatialFeatureExperiment 
## dim: 980 100290 
## metadata(0):
## assays(1): counts
## rownames(980): AATK ABL1 ... NegPrb22 NegPrb23
## rowData names(3): means vars cv2
## colnames(100290): 1_1 1_2 ... 30_4759 30_4760
## colData names(17): Area AspectRatio ... nCounts nGenes
## reducedDimNames(0):
## mainExpName: NULL
## altExpNames(0):
## spatialCoords names(2) : CenterX_global_px CenterY_global_px
## imgData names(1): sample_id
## unit: full_res_image_pixels
## Geometries:
## colGeometries: centroids (POINT), cellSeg (POLYGON) 
## Graphs:
## sample01:

Exercise: familiarize yourself with the SpatialFeatureExperiment class, verify that it extends SpatialExperiment.


plotCellBin2D(sfe, hex = TRUE)

fov1 <- sfe[,1:2408]
plotGeometry(fov1, MARGIN = 2L, type = "cellSeg")

Exercise: identify and visualize highly-variable genes (using methods seen above).

Exercise: identify and visualize cell clusters (using methods seen in the single-cell RNA-seq lab).

Exercise: go through the Voyager vignette to compute quality control metrics and identify spatial patterns of expression.

8 Session information

It is good practice to always include a list of the software versions that were used to perform a given analysis, for reproducibility and trouble-shooting purposes. One way of achieving this is via the sessionInfo() function.

## R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin20
## Running under: macOS Ventura 13.6.5
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-x86_64/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib 
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-x86_64/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib;  LAPACK version 3.12.0
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## time zone: Europe/Rome
## tzcode source: internal
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
## [8] base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] Voyager_1.6.0                  SpatialFeatureExperiment_1.6.1
##  [3] SFEData_1.6.0                  scran_1.32.0                  
##  [5] scRNAseq_2.18.0                SPOTlight_1.8.0               
##  [7] BayesSpace_1.14.0              nnSVG_1.8.0                   
##  [9] scater_1.32.0                  scuttle_1.14.0                
## [11] EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86_2.99.0      ensembldb_2.28.0              
## [13] AnnotationFilter_1.28.0        GenomicFeatures_1.56.0        
## [15] AnnotationDbi_1.66.0           ggspavis_1.10.0               
## [17] ggplot2_3.5.1                  STexampleData_1.12.3          
## [19] ExperimentHub_2.12.0           AnnotationHub_3.12.0          
## [21] BiocFileCache_2.12.0           dbplyr_2.5.0                  
## [23] SpatialExperiment_1.14.0       SingleCellExperiment_1.26.0   
## [25] SummarizedExperiment_1.34.0    Biobase_2.64.0                
## [27] GenomicRanges_1.56.0           GenomeInfoDb_1.40.1           
## [29] IRanges_2.38.0                 S4Vectors_0.42.0              
## [31] BiocGenerics_0.50.0            MatrixGenerics_1.16.0         
## [33] matrixStats_1.3.0              BiocStyle_2.32.0              
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##   [1] ProtGenerics_1.36.0       bitops_1.0-7             
##   [3] sf_1.0-16                 EBImage_4.46.0           
##   [5] httr_1.4.7                RColorBrewer_1.1-3       
##   [7] doParallel_1.0.17         tools_4.4.0              
##   [9] alabaster.base_1.4.1      utf8_1.2.4               
##  [11] R6_2.5.1                  DirichletReg_0.7-1       
##  [13] HDF5Array_1.32.0          lazyeval_0.2.2           
##  [15] uwot_0.2.2                mgcv_1.9-1               
##  [17] rhdf5filters_1.16.0       sp_2.1-4                 
##  [19] withr_3.0.0               gridExtra_2.3            
##  [21] cli_3.6.2                 scatterpie_0.2.3         
##  [23] sandwich_3.1-0            alabaster.se_1.4.1       
##  [25] labeling_0.4.3            sass_0.4.9               
##  [27] nnls_1.5                  proxy_0.4-27             
##  [29] pbapply_1.7-2             Rsamtools_2.20.0         
##  [31] R.utils_2.12.3            scico_1.5.0              
##  [33] limma_3.60.2              rstudioapi_0.16.0        
##  [35] RSQLite_2.3.7             FNN_1.1.4                
##  [37] generics_0.1.3            BiocIO_1.14.0            
##  [39] spdep_1.3-5               dplyr_1.1.4              
##  [41] Matrix_1.7-0              ggbeeswarm_0.7.2         
##  [43] fansi_1.0.6               abind_1.4-5              
##  [45] terra_1.7-78              R.methodsS3_1.8.2        
##  [47] lifecycle_1.0.4           yaml_2.3.8               
##  [49] edgeR_4.2.0               rhdf5_2.48.0             
##  [51] SparseArray_1.4.8         grid_4.4.0               
##  [53] blob_1.2.4                dqrng_0.4.1              
##  [55] crayon_1.5.2              lattice_0.22-6           
##  [57] beachmat_2.20.0           cowplot_1.1.3            
##  [59] KEGGREST_1.44.0           magick_2.8.3             
##  [61] zeallot_0.1.0             pillar_1.9.0             
##  [63] knitr_1.47                metapod_1.12.0           
##  [65] boot_1.3-30               rjson_0.2.21             
##  [67] xgboost_1.7.7.1           codetools_0.2-20         
##  [69] wk_0.9.1                  glue_1.7.0               
##  [71] ggfun_0.1.5               memuse_4.2-3             
##  [73] data.table_1.15.4         vctrs_0.6.5              
##  [75] png_0.1-8                 gypsum_1.0.1             
##  [77] gtable_0.3.5              assertthat_0.2.1         
##  [79] cachem_1.1.0              xfun_0.44                
##  [81] DropletUtils_1.24.0       S4Arrays_1.4.1           
##  [83] mime_0.12                 ggside_0.3.1             
##  [85] coda_0.19-4.1             sfheaders_0.4.4          
##  [87] iterators_1.0.14          tinytex_0.51             
##  [89] units_0.8-5               maxLik_1.5-2.1           
##  [91] statmod_1.5.0             bluster_1.14.0           
##  [93] nlme_3.1-164              bit64_4.0.5              
##  [95] alabaster.ranges_1.4.1    filelock_1.0.3           
##  [97] bslib_0.7.0               irlba_2.3.5.1            
##  [99] KernSmooth_2.23-22        vipor_0.4.7              
## [101] spData_2.3.1              colorspace_2.1-0         
## [103] DBI_1.2.3                 tidyselect_1.2.1         
## [105] BRISC_1.0.5               bit_4.0.5                
## [107] compiler_4.4.0            curl_5.2.1               
## [109] httr2_1.0.1               BiocNeighbors_1.22.0     
## [111] DelayedArray_0.30.1       bookdown_0.39            
## [113] rtracklayer_1.64.0        scales_1.3.0             
## [115] hexbin_1.28.3             classInt_0.4-10          
## [117] NMF_0.27                  rappdirs_0.3.3           
## [119] tiff_0.1-12               stringr_1.5.1            
## [121] digest_0.6.35             fftwtools_0.9-11         
## [123] alabaster.matrix_1.4.0    rmarkdown_2.27           
## [125] XVector_0.44.0            jpeg_0.1-10              
## [127] htmltools_0.5.8.1         pkgconfig_2.0.3          
## [129] sparseMatrixStats_1.16.0  highr_0.11               
## [131] fastmap_1.2.0             htmlwidgets_1.6.4        
## [133] rlang_1.1.4               UCSC.utils_1.0.0         
## [135] DelayedMatrixStats_1.26.0 farver_2.1.2             
## [137] jquerylib_0.1.4           zoo_1.8-12               
## [139] jsonlite_1.8.8            BiocParallel_1.38.0      
## [141] mclust_6.1.1              R.oo_1.26.0              
## [143] BiocSingular_1.20.0       RCurl_1.98-1.14          
## [145] magrittr_2.0.3            Formula_1.2-5            
## [147] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.12   s2_1.1.6                 
## [149] patchwork_1.2.0           Rhdf5lib_1.26.0          
## [151] munsell_0.5.1             Rcpp_1.0.12              
## [153] ggnewscale_0.4.10         viridis_0.6.5            
## [155] stringi_1.8.4             alabaster.schemas_1.4.0  
## [157] zlibbioc_1.50.0           MASS_7.3-60.2            
## [159] plyr_1.8.9                parallel_4.4.0           
## [161] ggrepel_0.9.5             deldir_2.0-4             
## [163] Biostrings_2.72.1         splines_4.4.0            
## [165] locfit_1.5-9.9            rdist_0.0.5              
## [167] igraph_2.0.3              rngtools_1.5.2           
## [169] reshape2_1.4.4            ScaledMatrix_1.12.0      
## [171] BiocVersion_3.19.1        XML_3.99-0.16.1          
## [173] evaluate_0.24.0           BiocManager_1.30.23      
## [175] foreach_1.5.2             tweenr_2.0.3             
## [177] miscTools_0.6-28          tidyr_1.3.1              
## [179] RANN_2.6.1                purrr_1.0.2              
## [181] polyclip_1.10-6           alabaster.sce_1.4.0      
## [183] gridBase_0.4-7            ggforce_0.4.2            
## [185] rsvd_1.0.5                restfulr_0.0.15          
## [187] RSpectra_0.16-1           e1071_1.7-14             
## [189] class_7.3-22              viridisLite_0.4.2        
## [191] tibble_3.2.1              memoise_2.0.1            
## [193] beeswarm_0.4.0            registry_0.5-1           
## [195] GenomicAlignments_1.40.0  cluster_2.1.6


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