Copy number variation analysis with Bioconductor
Workshop information
Instructor(s) name(s) and contact information
Ludwig Geistlinger, Marcel Ramos, Sehyun Oh, and Levi Waldron
CUNY School of Public Health 55 W 125th St, New York, NY 10027
Workshop Description
This workshop gives an overview of Bioconductor solutions for the analysis of copy number variation (CNV) data. The workshop introduces Bioconductor core data structures for efficient representation, access, and manipulation of CNV data, and how to use these containers for structured downstream analysis of CNVs and integration with gene expression and quantitative phenotypes. Participants will be provided with code and hands-on practice for a comprehensive set of typical analysis steps including exploratory analysis, summarizing individual CNV calls across a population, overlap analysis with functional genomic regions and regulatory elements, expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) analysis, and genome-wide association analysis (GWAS) with quantitative phenotypes. As an advanced application example, the workshop also introduces allele-specific absolute copy number analysis and how it is incorporated in genomic cancer analysis for the estimation of tumor characteristics such as tumor purity and ploidy.
- Basic knowledge of R syntax
- Familiarity with the SummarizedExperiment class
Familiarity with the GenomicRanges class
- Familiarity with high-throughput genomic assays such as microarrays and next-generation sequencing
Familiarity with the biological definition of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and copy number variation (CNV)
Workshop Participation
Execution of example code and hands-on practice
R / Bioconductor packages used
Time outline
Activity | Time |
Overview | 5m |
Data representation and manipulation | 20m |
Integrative downstream analysis (eQTL, GWAS, …) | 20m |
Allele-specific CN analysis in cancer | 15m |
Learning Goals
- get familiar with elementary concepts of CNV analysis
- learn how to efficiently represent, access, and manipulate CNV data in Bioconductor data structures
- get familiar with different strategies for summarizing individual CNV calls across a population
- learn how to assess the significance of overlaps between CNVs and functional genomic regions
- learn how carry out association analysis with gene expression and quantitative phenotypes
- get familiar with allele-specific absolute CN analysis of genomic cancer data
Specific objectives
- understand how CNVs can be experimentally detected and computationally inferred from SNP arrays and next-generation sequencing data
- learn how to use
to represent, access, and manipulate CNV data - understand different strategies for finding recurrent CNV regions in a population, including density trimming, reciprocal overlap, and recurrence significance estimation
- learn how to use the regioneR package to assess the significance of overlaps between CNVs and functional genomic regions such as genes, promoters, and enhancers.
- learn how to carry out eQTL analysis for CNV and RNA-seq data
- learn how to carry out a GWAS analysis for CNV and quantitative phenotype data
- learn how to estimate tumor purity and ploidy from absolute CN analysis with PureCN
Copy number variation (CNV) is a frequently observed deviation from the diploid state due to duplication or deletion of genomic regions. CNVs can be experimentally detected based on comparative genomic hybridization, and computationally inferred from SNP-arrays or next-generation sequencing data. These technologies for CNV detection have in common that they report, for each sample under study, genomic regions that are duplicated or deleted with respect to a reference. Such regions are denoted as CNV calls in the following and will be considered the starting point for analysis.
Representation and manipulation of CNV data with RaggedExperiment
is a flexible data representation for segmented copy number,
somatic mutations such as represented in .vcf
files, and other ragged array
schema for genomic location data. Like the GRangesList
class from
, RaggedExperiment
can be used to represent differing
genomic ranges on each of a set of samples. In fact, RaggedExperiment
contains a GRangesList
## Class "RaggedExperiment" [package "RaggedExperiment"]
## Slots:
## Name: assays rowidx colidx metadata
## Class: GRangesList integer integer list
## Extends: "Annotated"
Constructing a RaggedExperiment
We start with a toy example of two GRanges
objects, providing ranges on two
chromosomes in two samples:
sample1 <- GRanges(
c(A = "chr1:1-10:-", B = "chr1:8-14:+", C = "chr1:15-18:+"),
score = 3:5, type=c("germline", "somatic", "germline"))
sample2 <- GRanges(
c(D = "chr1:1-10:-", E = "chr1:11-18:+"),
score = 11:12, type=c("germline", "somatic"))
Include column data colData
to describe the samples:
colDat <- DataFrame(id=1:2, status = factor(c("control", "case")))
The RaggedExperiment
can be constructed from individual Granges
(ragexp <- RaggedExperiment(
sample1 = sample1,
sample2 = sample2,
colData = colDat))
## class: RaggedExperiment
## dim: 5 2
## assays(2): score type
## rownames(5): A B C D E
## colnames(2): sample1 sample2
## colData names(2): id status
Or from a GRangesList
grl <- GRangesList(sample1=sample1, sample2=sample2)
ragexp2 <- RaggedExperiment(grl, colData = colDat)
identical(ragexp, ragexp2)
## [1] TRUE
Note that the original ranges are is represented as the rowRanges
of the
## GRanges object with 5 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
## seqnames ranges strand
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle>
## A chr1 1-10 -
## B chr1 8-14 +
## C chr1 15-18 +
## D chr1 1-10 -
## E chr1 11-18 +
## -------
## seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
provides a flexible set of _*Assay_ methods to
support transformation of data to matrix format with varying row dimensions.
Figure 1: RaggedExperiment object schematic. Rows and columns represent genomic ranges and samples, respectively. Assay operations can be performed with (from left to right) compactAssay, qreduceAssay, and sparseAssay.
The four main Assay functions for converting to matrix are:
- sparseAssay: leave ranges exactly as-is
- compactAssay: combine identical ranges
- disjoinAssay: disjoin ranges that overlap across samples
- qreduceAssay: find overlaps with provided “query” ranges
These each have a corresponding function for conversion to RangedSummarizedExperiment.
The most straightforward matrix representation of a RaggedExperiment
return a matrix with the number of rows equal to the total number of ranges defined across all
samples. i.e. the 5 rows of the sparseAssay
## sample1 sample2
## A 3 NA
## B 4 NA
## C 5 NA
## D NA 11
## E NA 12
correspond to the ranges of the unlisted GRangesList
## GRanges object with 5 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
## seqnames ranges strand | score type
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <integer> <character>
## sample1.A chr1 1-10 - | 3 germline
## sample1.B chr1 8-14 + | 4 somatic
## sample1.C chr1 15-18 + | 5 germline
## sample2.D chr1 1-10 - | 11 germline
## sample2.E chr1 11-18 + | 12 somatic
## -------
## seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
The rownames of the sparseAssay
result are equal to the names of the GRanges
The values in the matrix returned by sparseAssay
correspond to the first columns of the
of each GRangesList
element, in this case the “score” column.
Note, this is the default assay()
method of RaggedExperiment
assay(ragexp, "score")
## sample1 sample2
## A 3 NA
## B 4 NA
## C 5 NA
## D NA 11
## E NA 12
assay(ragexp, "type")
## sample1 sample2
## A "germline" NA
## B "somatic" NA
## C "germline" NA
## D NA "germline"
## E NA "somatic"
The dimensions of the compactAssay
result differ from that of the sparseAssay
result only
if there are identical ranges in different samples. Identical ranges are placed in the same row in
the output. Ranges with any difference in start, end, or strand, will be
kept on different rows. Non-disjoint ranges are not collapsed.
## sample1 sample2
## chr1:8-14:+ 4 NA
## chr1:11-18:+ NA 12
## chr1:15-18:+ 5 NA
## chr1:1-10:- 3 11
compactAssay(ragexp, "type")
## sample1 sample2
## chr1:8-14:+ "somatic" NA
## chr1:11-18:+ NA "somatic"
## chr1:15-18:+ "germline" NA
## chr1:1-10:- "germline" "germline"
Note that row names are constructed from the ranges, and the names of the GRanges
vectors are
lost, unlike in the sparseAssay
This function is similar to compactAssay
except the rows are disjoint1
ranges. Elements of the matrix are summarized by applying the simplifyDisjoin
argument to assay values of overlapping ranges.
disjoinAssay(ragexp, simplifyDisjoin = mean)
## sample1 sample2
## chr1:8-10:+ 4 NA
## chr1:11-14:+ 4 12
## chr1:15-18:+ 5 12
## chr1:1-10:- 3 11
The qreduceAssay
function is the most complicated but likely the most useful of the RaggedExperiment
Assay functions. It requires you to provide a query
argument that is a GRanges
vector, and
the rows of the resulting matrix correspond to the elements of this GRanges
. The returned matrix will have
dimensions length(query)
by ncol(x)
. Elements of the resulting matrix correspond to the overlap of the
i th query
range in the j th sample, summarized according to the simplifyReduce
functional argument.
This can be useful, for example, to calculate per-gene copy number or mutation status by providing
the genomic ranges of every gene as the query
The simplifyReduce
argument in qreduceAssay
allows the user to summarize
overlapping regions with a custom method for the given “query” region of
interest. We provide one for calculating a weighted average score per
query range, where the weight is proportional to the overlap widths between
overlapping ranges and a query range.
Note that there are three arguments to this function. See the documentation for additional details.
weightedmean <- function(scores, ranges, qranges)
isects <- pintersect(ranges, qranges)
sum(scores * width(isects)) / sum(width(isects))
The call to qreduceAssay
calculates the overlaps between the ranges of each sample:
## GRangesList object of length 2:
## $sample1
## GRanges object with 3 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
## seqnames ranges strand | score type
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <integer> <character>
## A chr1 1-10 - | 3 germline
## B chr1 8-14 + | 4 somatic
## C chr1 15-18 + | 5 germline
## -------
## seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## $sample2
## GRanges object with 2 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
## seqnames ranges strand | score type
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <integer> <character>
## D chr1 1-10 - | 11 germline
## E chr1 11-18 + | 12 somatic
## -------
## seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
with the query ranges (an arbitrary set is defined here for demonstration): First create a demonstration “query” region of interest:
(query <- GRanges(c("chr1:1-14:-", "chr1:15-18:+")))
## GRanges object with 2 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
## seqnames ranges strand
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle>
## [1] chr1 1-14 -
## [2] chr1 15-18 +
## -------
## seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
using the simplifyReduce
function to resolve overlapping ranges and return a matrix with rows
corresponding to the query:
qreduceAssay(ragexp, query, simplifyReduce = weightedmean)
## sample1 sample2
## chr1:1-14:- 3 11
## chr1:15-18:+ 5 12
Conversion to RangedSummarizedExperiment
These methods all have corresponding methods to return a RangedSummarizedExperiment
and preserve the colData
disjoinSummarizedExperiment(ragexp, simplify = mean)
qreduceSummarizedExperiment(ragexp, query=query, simplify=weightedmean)
Please see the RaggedExperiment
vignette for
more details.
Integrative downstream analysis of CNVs with CNVRanger
(A) The CNVRanger package
imports CNV calls from a simple file format into
, and stores them in dedicated Bioconductor data structures, and
(B) implements three frequently used approaches for summarizing CNV calls
across a population:
(i) the CNVRuler
that trims region margins based on regional density
Kim et al., 2012,
(ii) the reciprocal overlap procedure that requires sufficient mutual overlap
between calls
Conrad et al., 2010, and
(iii) the GISTIC procedure
that identifies recurrent CNV regions
Beroukhim et al., 2007.
(C) CNVRanger
builds on regioneR
for overlap analysis of CNVs with functional genomic regions,
(D) implements RNA-seq expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTL) analysis
for CNVs by interfacing with edgeR, and
(E) interfaces with
PLINK for traditional
genome-wide association studies (GWAS) between CNVs and quantitative phenotypes.
The key parts of the functionality implemented in CNVRanger
were developed,
described, and applied in several previous studies:
Genome-wide detection of CNVs and their association with meat tenderness in Nelore cattle da Silva et al., 2016
Widespread modulation of gene expression by copy number variation in skeletal muscle Geistlinger et al., 2018
CNVs are associated with genomic architecture in a songbird da Silva et al., 2018
Reading and accessing CNV data
uses Bioconductor core data structures
implemented in the GenomicRanges
and RaggedExperiment
packages to represent, access, and manipulate CNV data.
We start by loading the package.
Input data format
For demonstration, we consider CNV calls as obtained with PennCNV from SNP-chip data in a Brazilian cattle breed (da Silva et al., 2016).
Here, we use a data subset and only consider CNV calls on chromosome 1 and 2, for which there are roughly 3000 CNV calls as obtained for 711 samples.
data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="CNVRanger")
call.file <- file.path(data.dir, "Silva16_PONE_CNV_calls.csv")
calls <- read.csv(call.file,
## [1] 3000
## chr start end NE_id state
## 1 chr1 16947 45013 NE001423 3
## 2 chr1 36337 67130 NE001426 3
## 3 chr1 16947 36337 NE001428 3
## 4 chr1 36337 105963 NE001519 3
## 5 chr1 36337 83412 NE001534 3
## 6 chr1 36337 83412 NE001648 3
## [1] 711
Representation as a GRangesList
We group the calls by sample ID, resulting in a GRangesList
Each element of the list corresponds to a sample, and contains the genomic
coordinates of the CNV calls for this sample (along with the copy number state
in the State
metadata column).
grl <- makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(calls,
split.field="NE_id", keep.extra.columns=TRUE)
## GRangesList object of length 711:
## $NE001357
## GRanges object with 5 ranges and 1 metadata column:
## seqnames ranges strand | state
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <integer>
## [1] chr1 4569526-4577608 * | 3
## [2] chr1 15984544-15996851 * | 1
## [3] chr1 38306432-38330161 * | 3
## [4] chr1 93730576-93819471 * | 0
## [5] chr2 40529044-40540747 * | 3
## -------
## seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## $NE001358
## GRanges object with 1 range and 1 metadata column:
## seqnames ranges strand | state
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <integer>
## [1] chr1 105042452-105233446 * | 1
## -------
## seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## $NE001359
## GRanges object with 4 ranges and 1 metadata column:
## seqnames ranges strand | state
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <integer>
## [1] chr1 4569526-4577608 * | 3
## [2] chr1 31686841-31695808 * | 0
## [3] chr1 93730576-93819471 * | 0
## [4] chr2 2527718-2535261 * | 0
## -------
## seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## ...
## <708 more elements>
The advantage of representing the CNV calls as a GRangesList
is that it allows
to leverage the comprehensive set of operations on genomic regions implemented
in the GenomicRanges
package - for instance, sorting of the calls
according to their genomic coordinates.
grl <- sort(grl)
## GRangesList object of length 711:
## $NE001357
## GRanges object with 5 ranges and 1 metadata column:
## seqnames ranges strand | state
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <integer>
## [1] chr1 4569526-4577608 * | 3
## [2] chr1 15984544-15996851 * | 1
## [3] chr1 38306432-38330161 * | 3
## [4] chr1 93730576-93819471 * | 0
## [5] chr2 40529044-40540747 * | 3
## -------
## seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## $NE001358
## GRanges object with 1 range and 1 metadata column:
## seqnames ranges strand | state
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <integer>
## [1] chr1 105042452-105233446 * | 1
## -------
## seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## $NE001359
## GRanges object with 4 ranges and 1 metadata column:
## seqnames ranges strand | state
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <integer>
## [1] chr1 4569526-4577608 * | 3
## [2] chr1 31686841-31695808 * | 0
## [3] chr1 93730576-93819471 * | 0
## [4] chr2 2527718-2535261 * | 0
## -------
## seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## ...
## <708 more elements>
Representation as a RaggedExperiment
An alternative matrix-like representation of the CNV calls can be obtained with
the RaggedExperiment
data class.
It resembles in many aspects the
data class for storing gene expression data as e.g. obtained with RNA-seq.
ra <- RaggedExperiment(grl)
## class: RaggedExperiment
## dim: 3000 711
## assays(1): state
## rownames: NULL
## colnames(711): NE001357 NE001358 ... NE003967 NE003968
## colData names(0):
As apparent from the dim
slot of the object, it stores the CNV calls in the
rows and the samples in the columns.
Note that the CN state is now represented as an assay matrix which can be
easily accessed and subsetted.
## NE001357 NE001358 NE001359 NE001360 NE001361
## chr1:4569526-4577608 3 NA NA NA NA
## chr1:15984544-15996851 1 NA NA NA NA
## chr1:38306432-38330161 3 NA NA NA NA
## chr1:93730576-93819471 0 NA NA NA NA
## chr2:40529044-40540747 3 NA NA NA NA
As with SummarizedExperiment
objects, additional information for
the samples are annotated in the colData
For example, we annotate the steer weight and its feed conversion ratio (FCR)
using simulated data.
Feed conversion ratio is the ratio of dry matter intake to live-weight gain.
A typical range of feed conversion ratios is 4.5-7.5 with a lower number being
more desirable as it would indicate that a steer required less feed per pound of
weight <- rnorm(ncol(ra), mean=1100, sd=100)
fcr <- rnorm(ncol(ra), mean=6, sd=1.5)
colData(ra)$weight <- round(weight, digits=2)
colData(ra)$fcr <- round(fcr, digits=2)
## DataFrame with 711 rows and 2 columns
## weight fcr
## <numeric> <numeric>
## NE001357 1146.49 5.98
## NE001358 1178.38 7.76
## NE001359 1072.19 5.74
## NE001360 1043.34 7.33
## NE001361 1166.39 5.21
## ... ... ...
## NE003962 983.84 5.87
## NE003963 983.1 6.06
## NE003966 1103.54 6.75
## NE003967 1334.75 6.25
## NE003968 1099.83 5.87
Summarizing individual CNV calls across a population
In CNV analysis, it is often of interest to summarize individual calls across the population, (i.e. to define CNV regions), for subsequent association analysis with expression and phenotype data. In the simplest case, this just merges overlapping individual calls into summarized regions. However, this typically inflates CNV region size, and more appropriate approaches have been developed for this purpose.
Trimming low-density areas
Here, we use the approach from CNVRuler
to summarize CNV calls to CNV regions (see
Figure 1
Kim et al., 2012
for an illustration of the approach).
This trims low-density areas as defined by the density
which is set here to <10% of the number of calls within a summarized region.
cnvrs <- populationRanges(grl, density=0.1)
## GRanges object with 303 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
## seqnames ranges strand | freq type
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <numeric> <character>
## [1] chr1 16947-111645 * | 103 gain
## [2] chr1 1419261-1630187 * | 18 gain
## [3] chr1 1896112-2004603 * | 218 gain
## [4] chr1 4139727-4203274 * | 1 gain
## [5] chr1 4554832-4577608 * | 23 gain
## ... ... ... ... . ... ...
## [299] chr2 136310067-136322489 * | 2 loss
## [300] chr2 136375337-136386940 * | 1 loss
## [301] chr2 136455546-136466040 * | 1 loss
## [302] chr2 136749793-136802493 * | 39 both
## [303] chr2 139194749-139665914 * | 58 both
## -------
## seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
Note that CNV frequency (number of samples overlapping each region) and CNV type
(gain, loss, or both) have also been annotated in the columns freq
and type
Identifying recurrent regions
In particular in cancer, it is important to distinguish driver from passenger mutations, i.e. to distinguish meaningful events from random background aberrations. The GISTIC method identifies those regions of the genome that are aberrant more often than would be expected by chance, with greater weight given to high amplitude events (high-level copy-number gains or homozygous deletions) that are less likely to represent random aberrations (Beroukhim et al., 2007).
By setting est.recur=TRUE
, we deploy a GISTIC
-like significance estimation
cnvrs <- populationRanges(grl, density=0.1, est.recur=TRUE)
## GRanges object with 303 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
## seqnames ranges strand | freq type
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <numeric> <character>
## [1] chr1 16947-111645 * | 103 gain
## [2] chr1 1419261-1630187 * | 18 gain
## [3] chr1 1896112-2004603 * | 218 gain
## [4] chr1 4139727-4203274 * | 1 gain
## [5] chr1 4554832-4577608 * | 23 gain
## ... ... ... ... . ... ...
## [299] chr2 136310067-136322489 * | 2 loss
## [300] chr2 136375337-136386940 * | 1 loss
## [301] chr2 136455546-136466040 * | 1 loss
## [302] chr2 136749793-136802493 * | 39 both
## [303] chr2 139194749-139665914 * | 58 both
## pvalue
## <numeric>
## [1] 0.00980392156862742
## [2] 0.107843137254902
## [3] 0
## [4] 0.558823529411765
## [5] 0.0882352941176471
## ... ...
## [299] 0.236111111111111
## [300] 0.421296296296296
## [301] 0.421296296296296
## [302] 0.0588235294117647
## [303] 0.0392156862745098
## -------
## seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
and filter for recurrent CNVs that exceed a significance threshold of 0.05.
cnvrs[cnvrs$pvalue < 0.05]
## GRanges object with 17 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
## seqnames ranges strand | freq type
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <numeric> <character>
## [1] chr1 16947-111645 * | 103 gain
## [2] chr1 1896112-2004603 * | 218 gain
## [3] chr1 15984544-15996851 * | 116 loss
## [4] chr1 31686841-31695808 * | 274 loss
## [5] chr1 69205418-69219486 * | 46 loss
## ... ... ... ... . ... ...
## [13] chr2 97882695-97896935 * | 80 loss
## [14] chr2 124330343-124398570 * | 39 loss
## [15] chr2 135096060-135271140 * | 84 gain
## [16] chr2 135290754-135553033 * | 83 gain
## [17] chr2 139194749-139665914 * | 58 both
## pvalue
## <numeric>
## [1] 0.00980392156862742
## [2] 0
## [3] 0.0185185185185185
## [4] 0.00462962962962965
## [5] 0.0416666666666666
## ... ...
## [13] 0.0231481481481481
## [14] 0.0462962962962963
## [15] 0.0196078431372549
## [16] 0.0294117647058824
## [17] 0.0392156862745098
## -------
## seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
Overlap analysis of CNVs with functional genomic regions
Once individual CNV calls have been summarized across the population, it is typically of interest whether the resulting CNV regions overlap with functional genomic regions such as genes, promoters, or enhancers. As a certain amount of overlap can be expected just by chance, an assessment of statistical significance is needed to decide whether the observed overlap is greater (enrichment) or less (depletion) than expected by chance.
The regioneR package implements a general framework for testing overlaps of genomic regions based on permutation sampling. This allows to repeatedly sample random regions from the genome, matching size and chromosomal distribution of the region set under study (here: the CNV regions). By recomputing the overlap with the functional features in each permutation, statistical significance of the observed overlap can be assessed.
We demonstrate in the following how this strategy can be used to assess the overlap between the detected CNV regions and protein-coding regions in the cattle genome. We expect to find a depletion as protein-coding regions are highly conserved and rarely subject to long-range structural variation such as CNV. Hence, is the overlap between CNVs and protein-coding genes less than expected by chance?
To obtain the location of protein-coding genes, we query available Bos taurus annotation from Ensembl
ah <- AnnotationHub()
## Using temporary cache /tmp/RtmpSp7b3O/BiocFileCache
## snapshotDate(): 2019-05-20
## Using temporary cache /tmp/RtmpSp7b3O/BiocFileCache
ahDb <- query(ah, pattern = c("Bos taurus", "EnsDb"))
## Using temporary cache /tmp/RtmpSp7b3O/BiocFileCache
## AnnotationHub with 10 records
## # snapshotDate(): 2019-05-20
## # $dataprovider: Ensembl
## # $species: Bos taurus
## # $rdataclass: EnsDb
## # additional mcols(): taxonomyid, genome, description,
## # coordinate_1_based, maintainer, rdatadateadded, preparerclass,
## # tags, rdatapath, sourceurl, sourcetype
## # retrieve records with, e.g., 'object[["AH53189"]]'
## title
## AH53189 | Ensembl 87 EnsDb for Bos Taurus
## AH53693 | Ensembl 88 EnsDb for Bos Taurus
## AH56658 | Ensembl 89 EnsDb for Bos Taurus
## AH57731 | Ensembl 90 EnsDb for Bos Taurus
## AH60745 | Ensembl 91 EnsDb for Bos Taurus
## AH60948 | Ensembl 92 EnsDb for Bos Taurus
## AH64416 | Ensembl 93 EnsDb for Bos Taurus
## AH64886 | Ensembl 94 EnsDb for Bos taurus
## AH67912 | Ensembl 95 EnsDb for Bos taurus
## AH69141 | Ensembl 96 EnsDb for Bos taurus
and retrieve gene coordinates in the UMD3.1 assembly (Ensembl 92).
ahEdb <- ahDb[["AH60948"]]
## Using temporary cache /tmp/RtmpSp7b3O/BiocFileCache
## Using temporary cache /tmp/RtmpSp7b3O/BiocFileCache
## downloading 1 resources
## retrieving 1 resource
## Using temporary cache /tmp/RtmpSp7b3O/BiocFileCache
## loading from cache
## 'AH60948 : 67694'
## require("ensembldb")
## Using temporary cache /tmp/RtmpSp7b3O/BiocFileCache
## Using temporary cache /tmp/RtmpSp7b3O/BiocFileCache
## Using temporary cache /tmp/RtmpSp7b3O/BiocFileCache
bt.genes <- genes(ahEdb)
seqlevels(bt.genes) <- paste0("chr", seqlevels(bt.genes))
## GRanges object with 24616 ranges and 8 metadata columns:
## seqnames ranges strand |
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> |
## ENSBTAG00000046619 chr1 19774-19899 - |
## ENSBTAG00000006858 chr1 34627-35558 + |
## ENSBTAG00000039257 chr1 69695-71121 - |
## ENSBTAG00000035349 chr1 83323-84281 - |
## ENSBTAG00000001753 chr1 124849-179713 - |
## ... ... ... ... .
## ENSBTAG00000025951 chrX 148526584-148535857 + |
## ENSBTAG00000029592 chrX 148538917-148539037 - |
## ENSBTAG00000016989 chrX 148576705-148582356 - |
## ENSBTAG00000025952 chrX 148774930-148780901 - |
## ENSBTAG00000047839 chrX 148804071-148805135 + |
## gene_id gene_name gene_biotype
## <character> <character> <character>
## ENSBTAG00000046619 ENSBTAG00000046619 RF00001 rRNA
## ENSBTAG00000006858 ENSBTAG00000006858 pseudogene
## ENSBTAG00000039257 ENSBTAG00000039257 protein_coding
## ENSBTAG00000035349 ENSBTAG00000035349 pseudogene
## ENSBTAG00000001753 ENSBTAG00000001753 protein_coding
## ... ... ... ...
## ENSBTAG00000025951 ENSBTAG00000025951 protein_coding
## ENSBTAG00000029592 ENSBTAG00000029592 RF00001 rRNA
## ENSBTAG00000016989 ENSBTAG00000016989 protein_coding
## ENSBTAG00000025952 ENSBTAG00000025952 protein_coding
## ENSBTAG00000047839 ENSBTAG00000047839 P2RY8 protein_coding
## seq_coord_system
## <character>
## ENSBTAG00000046619 chromosome
## ENSBTAG00000006858 chromosome
## ENSBTAG00000039257 chromosome
## ENSBTAG00000035349 chromosome
## ENSBTAG00000001753 chromosome
## ... ...
## ENSBTAG00000025951 chromosome
## ENSBTAG00000029592 chromosome
## ENSBTAG00000016989 chromosome
## ENSBTAG00000025952 chromosome
## ENSBTAG00000047839 chromosome
## description
## <character>
## ENSBTAG00000046619 NULL
## ENSBTAG00000006858 NULL
## ENSBTAG00000039257 NULL
## ENSBTAG00000035349 NULL
## ENSBTAG00000001753 NULL
## ... ...
## ENSBTAG00000025951 NULL
## ENSBTAG00000029592 NULL
## ENSBTAG00000016989 NULL
## ENSBTAG00000025952 NULL
## ENSBTAG00000047839 P2Y receptor family member 8 [Source:VGNC Symbol;Acc:VGNC:32531]
## gene_id_version symbol entrezid
## <character> <character> <list>
## ENSBTAG00000046619 ENSBTAG00000046619.1 RF00001 NA
## ENSBTAG00000006858 ENSBTAG00000006858.5 NA
## ENSBTAG00000039257 ENSBTAG00000039257.2 NA
## ENSBTAG00000035349 ENSBTAG00000035349.3 NA
## ENSBTAG00000001753 ENSBTAG00000001753.4 507243
## ... ... ... ...
## ENSBTAG00000025951 ENSBTAG00000025951.4 NA
## ENSBTAG00000029592 ENSBTAG00000029592.1 RF00001 NA
## ENSBTAG00000016989 ENSBTAG00000016989.5 NA
## ENSBTAG00000025952 ENSBTAG00000025952.3 785083
## ENSBTAG00000047839 ENSBTAG00000047839.1 P2RY8 100299937
## -------
## seqinfo: 48 sequences from UMD3.1 genome
To speed up the example, we restrict analysis to chromosomes 1 and 2.
sel.genes <- bt.genes[seqnames(bt.genes) %in% c("chr1", "chr2")]
sel.genes <- sel.genes[sel.genes$gene_biotype == "protein_coding"]
sel.cnvrs <- cnvrs[seqnames(cnvrs) %in% c("chr1", "chr2")]
Now, we are applying an overlap permutation test with 100 permutations
), while maintaining chromosomal distribution of the CNV
region set (per.chromosome=TRUE
Furthermore, we use the option count.once=TRUE
to count an overlapping CNV
region only once, even if it overlaps with 2 or more genes.
We also allow random regions to be sampled from the entire genome (mask=NA
although in certain scenarios masking certain regions such as telomeres and
centromeres is advisable.
Also note that we use 100 permutations for demonstration only.
To draw robust conclusions a minimum of 1000 permutations should be carried out.
res <- suppressWarnings(overlapPermTest(A=sel.cnvrs, B=sel.genes, ntimes=100,
genome="bosTau6", mask=NA, per.chromosome=TRUE, count.once=TRUE))
## $numOverlaps
## P-value: 0.0495049504950495
## Z-score: -2.2291
## Number of iterations: 100
## Alternative: less
## Evaluation of the original region set: 97
## Evaluation function: numOverlaps
## Randomization function: randomizeRegions
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "permTestResultsList"
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 91.0 111.0 115.0 115.8 121.0 133.0
The resulting permutation p-value indicates a significant depletion. Out of the 303 CNV regions, 97 overlap with at least one gene. In contrast, when repeatedly drawing random regions matching the CNV regions in size and chromosomal distribution, the mean number of overlapping regions across permutations was 115.8 ± 8.4.
This finding is consistent with our observations across the whole genome (da Silva et al., 2016) and findings from the 1000 Genomes Poject (Sudmant et al., 2015).
Note: the function regioneR::permTest
allows to incorporate user-defined
functions for randomizing regions and evaluating additional measures of overlap
such as total genomic size in bp.
CNV-expression association analysis
Studies of expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) aim at the discovery of genetic variants that explain variation in gene expression levels (Nica and Dermitzakis, 2013). Mainly applied in the context of SNPs, the concept also naturally extends to the analysis of CNVs.
The CNVRanger
package implements association testing between CNV
regions and RNA-seq read counts using edgeR
, which applies
generalized linear models based on the negative-binomial distribution
while incorporating normalization factors for different library sizes.
In the case of only one CN state deviating from 2n for a CNV region under investigation, this reduces to the classical 2-group comparison. For more than two states (e.g. 0n, 1n, 2n), edgeR’s ANOVA-like test is applied to test all deviating groups for significant expression differences relative to 2n.
Working with individual CNV and RNA-seq assays
We demonstrate the functionality by loading RNA-seq read count data from skeletal muscle samples for 183 Nelore cattle steers, which we analyzed for CNV-expression effects as previously described (Geistlinger et al., 2018).
rseq.file <- file.path(data.dir, "counts_cleaned.txt")
rcounts <- read.delim(rseq.file, row.names=1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rcounts <- as.matrix(rcounts)
## [1] 939 183
rcounts[1:5, 1:5]
## NE001407 NE001408 NE001424 NE001439 NE001448
## ENSBTAG00000000088 64 65 233 135 134
## ENSBTAG00000000160 20 28 50 13 18
## ENSBTAG00000000176 279 373 679 223 417
## ENSBTAG00000000201 252 271 544 155 334
## ENSBTAG00000000210 268 379 486 172 443
For demonstration, we restrict analysis to the 939 genes on chromosome 1 and 2,
and store the RNA-seq expression data in a SummarizedExperiment
rse <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(rcounts=rcounts),
## class: RangedSummarizedExperiment
## dim: 939 183
## metadata(0):
## assays(1): rcounts
## rownames(939): ENSBTAG00000000088 ENSBTAG00000000160 ...
## ENSBTAG00000048210 ENSBTAG00000048228
## rowData names(0):
## colnames(183): NE001407 NE001408 ... NE003840 NE003843
## colData names(0):
Assuming distinct modes of action, effects observed in the CNV-expression analysis are typically divided into (i) local effects (cis), where expression changes coincide with CNVs in the respective genes, and (ii) distal effects (trans), where CNVs supposedly affect trans-acting regulators such as transcription factors.
However, due to power considerations and to avoid detection of spurious effects, stringent filtering of (i) not sufficiently expressed genes, and (ii) CNV regions with insufficient sample size in groups deviating from 2n, should be carried out when testing for distal effects. Local effects have a clear spatial indication and the number of genes locating in or close to a CNV region of interest is typically small; testing for differential expression between CN states is thus generally better powered for local effects and less stringent filter criteria can be applied.
In the following, we carry out CNV-expression association analysis by providing
the CNV regions to test (cnvrs
), the individual CNV calls (grl
) to determine
per-sample CN state in each CNV region, the RNA-seq read counts (rse
and the size of the genomic window around each CNV region (window
The window
argument thereby determines which genes are considered for testing
for each CNV region and is set here to 1 Mbp.
Further, use the min.cpm
and min.samples
arguments to exclude from the
analysis (i) genes with fewer than min.cpm
reads per million reads mapped
(cpm, counts per million), and (ii) CNV
regions with fewer than min.samples
samples in a group deviating from 2n.
res <- cnvEQTL(cnvrs, grl, rse, window="1Mbp", verbose=TRUE)
## Restricting analysis to 179 intersecting samples
## Preprocessing RNA-seq data ...
## Summarizing per-sample CN state in each CNV region
## Excluding 286 cnvrs not satisfying min.samples threshold
## Analyzing 12 regions with >=1 gene in the given window
## 1 of 12
## 2 of 12
## 3 of 12
## 4 of 12
## 5 of 12
## 6 of 12
## 7 of 12
## 8 of 12
## 9 of 12
## 10 of 12
## 11 of 12
## 12 of 12
## DataFrame with 89 rows and 5 columns
## CNVR Gene logFC
## <character> <character> <numeric>
## 1 chr1:16947-111645 ENSBTAG00000018278 0.194859708204693
## 2 chr1:16947-111645 ENSBTAG00000021997 -0.0812496004002579
## 3 chr1:16947-111645 ENSBTAG00000020035 0.0745028563584966
## 4 chr1:16947-111645 ENSBTAG00000011528 0.0118392582964246
## 5 chr1:16947-111645 ENSBTAG00000012594 -0.00661188778069866
## ... ... ... ...
## 85 chr2:135290754-135553033 ENSBTAG00000030340 -0.0310183382350007
## 86 chr2:135290754-135553033 ENSBTAG00000008314 -0.0148596021181995
## 87 chr2:135290754-135553033 ENSBTAG00000008309 0.0172997593964661
## 88 chr2:135290754-135553033 ENSBTAG00000003403 -0.00336281264078722
## 89 chr2:135290754-135553033 ENSBTAG00000013282 -0.000223673376098313
## PValue AdjPValue
## <numeric> <numeric>
## 1 0.00731514635939691 0.400665393143022
## 2 0.179616021014321 0.841564657598637
## 3 0.740325113667423 0.997718543512711
## 4 0.915565410373996 0.997718543512711
## 5 0.943057146391629 0.997718543512711
## ... ... ...
## 85 0.850536851523179 0.997718543512711
## 86 0.869368789923888 0.997718543512711
## 87 0.885514362762372 0.997718543512711
## 88 0.987950415154231 0.997718543512711
## 89 0.997718543512711 0.997718543512711
The resulting DataFrame
contains in the first column the CNV regions tested.
The second column contains the genes tested in the genomic window around each CNV
region, and the other columns report (i) log2 fold change with respect to the
2n group, (ii) edgeR’s DE p-value, and (iii) the (per default) Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-value.
Working with TCGA data stored in a MultiAssayExperiment
In the previous section, we individually prepared the CNV and RNA-seq data for CNV-expression association analysis. In the following, we demonstrate how to perform an integrated preparation of the two assays when stored in a MultiAssayExperiment We therefore consider glioblastoma GBM data from The Cancer Genome Atlas TCGA, which can conveniently be accessed with the curatedTCGAData package.
gbm <- curatedTCGAData("GBM",
assays=c("GISTIC_Peaks", "CNVSNP", "RNASeq2GeneNorm"),
## A MultiAssayExperiment object of 3 listed
## experiments with user-defined names and respective classes.
## Containing an ExperimentList class object of length 3:
## [1] GBM_CNVSNP-20160128: RaggedExperiment with 146852 rows and 1104 columns
## [2] GBM_RNASeq2GeneNorm-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 20501 rows and 166 columns
## [3] GBM_GISTIC_Peaks-20160128: RangedSummarizedExperiment with 68 rows and 577 columns
## Features:
## experiments() - obtain the ExperimentList instance
## colData() - the primary/phenotype DataFrame
## sampleMap() - the sample availability DataFrame
## `$`, `[`, `[[` - extract colData columns, subset, or experiment
## *Format() - convert into a long or wide DataFrame
## assays() - convert ExperimentList to a SimpleList of matrices
The returned MultiAssayExperiment
contains three assays:
- the SNP-based CNV calls stored in a
), - the recurrent CNV regions summarized across the population using the
GISTIC method
), and - the normalized RNA-seq gene expression values in a
To annotate the genomic coordinates of the genes measured in the RNA-seq assay,
we use the function symbolsToRanges
from the
TCGAutils package.
For demonstration, we restrict the analysis to chromosome 1 and 2.
gbm <- suppressMessages(symbolsToRanges(gbm, unmapped=FALSE))
for(i in 1:3)
genome(rowRanges(gbm[[i]])) <- "hg19"
seqlevelsStyle(rowRanges(gbm[[i]])) <- "UCSC"
ind <- as.character(seqnames(rowRanges(gbm[[i]]))) %in% c("chr1", "chr2")
gbm[[i]] <- gbm[[i]][ind,]
## A MultiAssayExperiment object of 3 listed
## experiments with user-defined names and respective classes.
## Containing an ExperimentList class object of length 3:
## [1] GBM_CNVSNP-20160128: RaggedExperiment with 17818 rows and 1104 columns
## [2] GBM_GISTIC_Peaks-20160128: RangedSummarizedExperiment with 12 rows and 577 columns
## [3] GBM_RNASeq2GeneNorm-20160128_ranged: RangedSummarizedExperiment with 2939 rows and 166 columns
## Features:
## experiments() - obtain the ExperimentList instance
## colData() - the primary/phenotype DataFrame
## sampleMap() - the sample availability DataFrame
## `$`, `[`, `[[` - extract colData columns, subset, or experiment
## *Format() - convert into a long or wide DataFrame
## assays() - convert ExperimentList to a SimpleList of matrices
We now restrict the analysis to intersecting patients of the three assays
using MultiAssayExperiment
’s intersectColumns
function, and select
Primary Solid Tumor samples using the splitAssays
function from the
gbm <- intersectColumns(gbm)
## $`GBM_CNVSNP-20160128`
## 01 02 10 11
## 154 13 146 1
## $`GBM_GISTIC_Peaks-20160128`
## 01
## 154
## $`GBM_RNASeq2GeneNorm-20160128_ranged`
## 01 02
## 147 13
## Code Definition
## 1 01 Primary Solid Tumor
## 2 02 Recurrent Solid Tumor
## 3 03 Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood
## 4 04 Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow
## 5 05 Additional - New Primary
## 6 06 Metastatic
## 7 07 Additional Metastatic
## 8 08 Human Tumor Original Cells
## 9 09 Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow
## 10 10 Blood Derived Normal
## 11 11 Solid Tissue Normal
## 12 12 Buccal Cell Normal
## 13 13 EBV Immortalized Normal
## 14 14 Bone Marrow Normal
## 15 15 sample type 15
## 16 16 sample type 16
## 17 20 Control Analyte
## 18 40 Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood
## 19 50 Cell Lines
## 20 60 Primary Xenograft Tissue
## 21 61 Cell Line Derived Xenograft Tissue
## 22 99 sample type 99
## Short.Letter.Code
## 1 TP
## 2 TR
## 3 TB
## 4 TRBM
## 5 TAP
## 6 TM
## 7 TAM
## 8 THOC
## 9 TBM
## 10 NB
## 11 NT
## 12 NBC
## 13 NEBV
## 14 NBM
## 15 15SH
## 16 16SH
## 17 CELLC
## 18 TRB
## 19 CELL
## 20 XP
## 21 XCL
## 22 99SH
gbm <- splitAssays(gbm, sampleCodes="01")
## A MultiAssayExperiment object of 3 listed
## experiments with user-defined names and respective classes.
## Containing an ExperimentList class object of length 3:
## [1] 01_GBM_CNVSNP-20160128: RaggedExperiment with 17818 rows and 154 columns
## [2] 01_GBM_GISTIC_Peaks-20160128: RangedSummarizedExperiment with 12 rows and 154 columns
## [3] 01_GBM_RNASeq2GeneNorm-20160128_ranged: RangedSummarizedExperiment with 2939 rows and 147 columns
## Features:
## experiments() - obtain the ExperimentList instance
## colData() - the primary/phenotype DataFrame
## sampleMap() - the sample availability DataFrame
## `$`, `[`, `[[` - extract colData columns, subset, or experiment
## *Format() - convert into a long or wide DataFrame
## assays() - convert ExperimentList to a SimpleList of matrices
We transform CN estimates into CN states where states are encoded as:
: homozygous deletion (2-copy loss)1
: heterozygous deletion (1-copy loss)2
: normal diploid state3
: 1-copy gain4
: amplification (>= 2-copy gain)
ind <- grep("CNVSNP", names(gbm))
state <- round(mcols(gbm[[ind]])$Segment_Mean)
state[state > 2] <- 2
state[state < -2] <- -2
mcols(gbm[[ind]])$State <- state + 2
mcols(gbm[[ind]]) <- mcols(gbm[[ind]])[,3:1]
## 0 1 2 3 4
## 3270 3025 10223 856 444
The data is now ready for CNV-expression association analysis, where we find
only two CNV regions with sufficient sample size for testing using the default
value of 10 for the minSamples
res <- cnvEQTL(cnvrs="01_GBM_GISTIC_Peaks-20160128",
data=gbm, window="1Mbp", verbose=TRUE)
## harmonizing input:
## removing 154 sampleMap rows not in names(experiments)
## Preprocessing RNA-seq data ...
## Summarizing per-sample CN state in each CNV region
## Excluding 10 cnvrs not satisfying min.samples threshold
## Analyzing 2 regions with >=1 gene in the given window
## 1 of 2
## 2 of 2
## DataFrame with 39 rows and 5 columns
## CNVR Gene logFC
## <character> <character> <numeric>
## 1 chr1:3394251-6475685 RPL22 -0.725652140752693
## 2 chr1:3394251-6475685 CAMTA1 -0.710092209593344
## 3 chr1:3394251-6475685 KLHL21 -0.804994378329488
## 4 chr1:3394251-6475685 DNAJC11 -0.639331827106962
## 5 chr1:3394251-6475685 PHF13 -0.644451457052169
## ... ... ... ...
## 35 chr1:7908902-8336254 VAMP3 -0.380592228642377
## 36 chr1:7908902-8336254 H6PD -0.487860462635182
## 37 chr1:7908902-8336254 PER3 -0.496046999162807
## 38 chr1:7908902-8336254 ERRFI1 -0.503783986501104
## 39 chr1:7908902-8336254 SLC2A5 -0.445492206932205
## PValue AdjPValue
## <numeric> <numeric>
## 1 9.61335285501219e-09 1.87460380672738e-07
## 2 2.5708616701305e-07 2.1115304553107e-06
## 3 5.49625845092592e-06 3.57256799310185e-05
## 4 6.45920365913183e-06 3.5986991815163e-05
## 5 1.15203955333233e-05 4.99217139777344e-05
## ... ... ...
## 35 0.00155925324719568 0.00357711039062539
## 36 0.00420206699725692 0.00819403064465099
## 37 0.0280814360824631 0.0456323336340025
## 38 0.0500141322286501 0.0722717568907876
## 39 0.0643968913279903 0.0866027159238491
Allele-specific CNV analysis with PureCN
For allele-specific copy number alteration (CNA) analysis, most commonly used tools in the field rely on high quality genome-wide data with matched normal profiles, limiting their applicability in clinical settings.
Here, we’re introducing the open-source PureCN R/Bioconductor package in conjunction with widely used variant-calling and copy number segmentation algorithms, for allele-specific CNA analysis from whole exome sequencing (WES) without matched normals.
Further information on PureCN and its CNV analysis workflow can be found in the PureCN vignette, PureCN paper, and CNV analysis workflow paper.
Overview of the workflow
Detailed scripts are available in this GitHub repo.
Prepare input files using PureCN and MuTect
PureCN requires three raw inputs and subsequent preprocessing of them before performing purity and ploidy estimation. Here are the list of three raw input files, followed by the simple workflow diagram.
1. BED file
we are analyzing WES data, so we need to know which part of the genome is captured through BED file.
2. Process-matched normal BAM files
these allow us to find out what kinds of backgrounds are there, especially technical biases.
3. Tumor BAM files
these contain the genetic changes, both germline and somatic alternations.
Five intermediate files
Preprocessing of three input files creates five major intermediate files that are used directly for purity and ploidy estimation with PureCN.R
command line tool.
1. Interval file
IntervalFile.R command line tool optimize the targets for copy number calling, for example,
- large targets are split to obtain higher resolution
- targets in regions of low mappability are dropped
One thing you should be careful is to make sure that the genome version of target file matches the reference.
2. VCF and stats files
MuTect is run on --artifact-detection-mode
- which is used when running the caller on a normal (as if it were a tumor) to detect artifacts
- which includes variant calls that are clearly germline
- which is commonly used for Panel-Of-Normals creation
java -jar mutect.jar \
--analysis_type MuTect \
-R hg38.fasta \
--dbsnp $DBSNP_VCF \
--cosmic $COSMIC_VCF \
-I:tumor $BAM_TUMOR \
-o $OUT/${SAMPLEID}_mutect_stats.txt \
-vcf $OUT/${SAMPLEID}_mutect.vcf
Output VCF files contain both germline SNPs and somatic mutations, which have information about read-depths of reference and alt alleles and whether the variant is in dbSNP. call_stats.txt
file is an through report of all the metrics and statistics available about the calls made my MuTect and the filtered that are applied internally by default. With this stats file, PureCN will keep germline variants, while removing potential artifacts.
3. Pool of normals (PoN)
Depending on the type of variant you’re looking for, the PON will be generated differently. What all PONs have in common is that,
- they are made from normal samples (in this context, “normal” means derived from healthy tissue that is believed to not have any somatic alterations) and
- their main purpose is to capture recurrent technical artifacts in order to improve the results of the variant calling analysis.
4. GC-normalized coverage files
process tumor and normal bam files to calculate GC-normalized coverages. Different library can give different coverage profiles, and the most important library-specific bias is due to GC-content. i.e. regions of high AT- or GC-content are not always captured with exactly the same efficiency in tumor and normals.
5. NormalDB
To build a normalDB for coverage normalization and bias correction, we are providing two intermediate files: 1) the list of coverage normalized files from Coverage.R and 2) normal panel vcf file (PON).
Three outputs from this process are used for PureCN,
- a database of normal samples, which will be used to normalize tumor coverages,
- mapping bias information of each variant. By examining the coverage of particular intervals in a pool of normals, we can estimate how well this assay captures these intervals and will then adjust the tumor coverage accordingly.
- Last is an interval weight file. Interval weights will be set proportional to the inverse of coverage standard deviation across all normals. Intervals with high variance in coverage in the pool of normals are thus down-weighted.
All the pre-processed files above are used as inputs for PureCN.R
to normalize, segment and determine purity and ploidy. This step returns purity and ploidy combinations, sorted by likelihood score. Provides copy number and LOH data, by both gene and genomic region.
Rscript $PURECN/PureCN.R \
--out $PCN_OUT/PureCN/tumor_only/$SAMPLEID \
--tumor $PCN_OUT/tumor_cov/${SAMPLEID}_coverage_loess.txt \
--vcf $MUTECT_OUT/stat_tumor_only/${SAMPLEID}_mutect.vcf \
--statsfile $MUTECT_OUT/stat_tumor_only/${SAMPLEID}_mutect_stats.txt \
--normaldb $PCN_OUT/normalDB/normalDB_hg38.rds \
--normal_panel $PCN_OUT/normalDB/mapping_bias_hg38.rds \
--intervals $INPUT/bed/baits_hg38_intervals.txt \
--intervalweightfile $PCN_OUT/normalDB/interval_weights_hg38.txt \
--snpblacklist hg38_simpleRepeats.bed \
--genome hg38 \
--force --postoptimize --seed 123
Overview of CNV analysis workflow with intermediates
Here is the more detailed workflow diagram with the intermediate files described above.
Requirement for production pipeline
As long as you are using the same capture kit and the same sequencing protocols, you need to process only tumor bam files for the production.
Analysis examples
1. Overview
The colors visualize the copy number fitting score from low (blue) to high (red). The numbers indicate the ranks of the local optima.
plotAbs(ret, type="overview")
2. Log-ratio histogram
This figure displays a histogram of tumor vs. normal copy number log-ratios for the maximum likelihood solution (number 1 of ‘Overview’ plot). The height of a bar in this plot is proportional to the fraction of the genome falling into the particular log-ratio copy number range.
plotAbs(ret, 1, type="hist")
read.csv(system.file("extdata/Sample1_PureCN.csv", package = "CNVWorkshop"))
## Sampleid Purity Ploidy Sex Contamination Flagged Failed Curated
## 1 Sample1 0.65 1.734572 ? 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE
## Comment
3. Amplification and deletion
gene.calls = callAlterations(ret)
## chr start end C seg.mean number.targets
## EIF2A chr3 150270143 150301699 6 1.3351 5 13
## MIR548H2 chr3 151531951 151538241 6 1.3351 5 3
## GPNMB chr7 23286477 23313844 7 1.4723 17 11
## SH2D4B chr10 82298088 82403838 0 -1.5118 22 8
## SLC35G1 chr10 95653791 95661248 0 -1.3002 24 3
## CYP2C9 chr10 96698440 96748786 0 -1.3002 24 9
## gene.mean gene.min gene.max focal breakpoints type
## EIF2A 1.5159387 0.7544062 2.1392167 TRUE 0 AMPLIFICATION
## MIR548H2 0.8261594 0.4682628 1.2000253 TRUE 0 AMPLIFICATION
## GPNMB 1.4490939 0.9397072 1.8200775 TRUE 0 AMPLIFICATION
## SH2D4B -1.5141982 -1.9281007 -1.2607230 FALSE 0 DELETION
## SLC35G1 -1.5988526 -1.8066816 -1.4493561 FALSE 0 DELETION
## CYP2C9 -1.1901085 -2.1922992 -0.9875222 FALSE 0 DELETION
## num.snps M M.flagged loh
## MIR548H2 0 NA NA NA
## SLC35G1 0 NA NA NA
## CYP2C9 0 NA NA NA
4. Genomic regions with LOH
loh = callLOH(ret)
## chr start end arm C M type seg.mean
## 1 chr1 114515871 121535434 p 2 0 WHOLE ARM COPY-NEUTRAL LOH 0.1209814
## 2 chr1 124535434 248085104 q 2 0 WHOLE ARM COPY-NEUTRAL LOH 0.1209814
## 3 chr2 10262881 92326171 p 1 0 WHOLE ARM LOH -0.4656416
## 4 chr2 95326171 231775678 q 1 0 WHOLE ARM LOH -0.4656416
## 5 chr2 236403331 239039169 q 2 0 COPY-NEUTRAL LOH 0.0193000
## 6 chr3 11888043 90504854 p 2 1 0.1052000
## num.mark num.snps M.flagged maf.expected maf.observed
## 1 902 13 FALSE 0.1750000 0.1756325
## 2 902 13 FALSE 0.1750000 0.1756325
## 3 685 13 FALSE 0.2592593 0.2788990
## 4 685 13 FALSE 0.2592593 0.2788990
## 5 88 2 TRUE 0.1750000 0.1736667
## 6 408 1 TRUE 0.5000000 0.4712710
Example of TCGA-OV and TCGA-LUAD datasets
1. Purity and Ploidy
2. TMB (Tumor mutation burden) : TMB is the number of somatic mutations carried by tumor cells.
3. Mutational signatures : Mutational signatures are characteristic combinations of mutation types arising from specific mutagenesis processes, which can provide information on cause and treatment option for different types of cancer.
A disjoint set of ranges has no overlap between any ranges of the set.↩