Install packages and create binaries using a BiocParallelParam for a specific bioconductor docker image. The kube_install function can be scaled to a large cluster to reduce times even further (in theory). Please note that this command will charge your google billing account, beware of the charges.
kube_install(lib_path, bin_path, logs_path, deps, BPPARAM = NULL)
character() path where R package libraries are stored.
character() path where R package binaries are stored.
character() path where R package binary build logs are stored.
package dependecy graph as computed by `.pkg_dependencies()`.
A `BiocParallelParam` object specifying how each level of the dependency graph will be parallelized. Use `SerialParam()` for debugging; `RedisParam()` for use in kubernetes.
if (FALSE) {
## First method:
## Run with a pre-existing bucket with some packages.
## This will update only the new packages
binary_repo <- "anvil-rstudio-bioconductor/0.99/3.11/"
deps <- pkg_dependencies(binary_repo = binary_repo)
lib_path = "/host/library",
bin_path = "/host/binaries",
deps = deps
## Second method:
## Create a new google CRAN style bucket and populate with binaries.
"1.0", "3.11", secret = "/home/mysecret.json", public = TRUE)
deps_new <- pkg_dependencies(binary_repo = "my-new-binary-bucket/1.0/3.11")
workers = 6L,
lib_path = "/host/library",
bin_path = "/host/binaries",
deps = deps_new